Anonymous ID: efee8a May 1, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.8987623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8986823 (lb)

…The once stationary brown dwarf 'star', before it's displacement by Jupiter. The key to remembering these celestial phenomena is the interpretation of myth, legend and 'sacred' texts in terms of the astronomical, with a radically different, closer alignment or 'order'. All this recorded in symbolism and passed down through oral tradition, until some 'in the know' decided to prey upon human fears and superstitions, while withholding the knowledge of these events. 'God fearing' makes more sense, as the planets were these gods and in such close proximity that the Earth would be effected. Violent storms and monumental plasma arcing on the approach of Mars or comets as omens derived from Venus, in her comet form. The deeper one digs, the more fascinating the history becomes.