Have you read Mein Kampf?
Have you read his speeches? There are ten years of them before WWJEW and plenty of them during WWJEW.
Yes or No?
My guess is No.
You are not qualified to have an opinion on the subject without having done both. I think that is fair considering you and others make these blanket statements that disregard both ad infinitum.
I don't think you anti Hitler people realize that us pro Hitler people sought out to debunk the Hitler was the good guy position. We were originally (at least the conspiracy side of the movement) where you guys are right now. We couldn't debunk it unless you the route that the disinfo people on this site are doing right now. The swiss angle. To my understanding, Q has not directly confirmed the opinion that Hitler was a puppet and that the Swiss controlled him. You guys are trying to see things that aren't there.
Q specifically showed you that ANTIFA was a communist movement against Hitler. You weren't ready. Pull back. Translation? You misunderstand.
Q has told you the TRUTH will make people go to the hospital. THAT BIG OF A LIE. Who defined the BIG LIE TECHNIQUE and WHO DID HE SAY WAS THE PEOPLE DOING IT.
What we had to go through 20 years ago during the "truth movement"…
Hitler was bad guy
Bush was bad because Hitler
Obama is new bad guy
He is also Hitler
None do anything that Hitler did
Scratches head…
Okay now Hitler is a puppet
Read Hitler
No chance puppet
Nearly beat the Roths and Cabal
Entire world invades Hitler
Still almost wins
USA becomes the most anti white marxist country in the history of the world and wages war all over the globe
Trump is attempting what Hitler attempted
>>>>>>YOU ARE HERE<<<<<<<<
Will Trump win?
He Better.
Because even IF he wins. The fight will not end.
Get that through your head as well..
Hope this gets your almonds going.