Anonymous ID: 930a02 May 1, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.8990201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0210 >>0267

>>8989910 lb

The HIV in your list being HC treatable is beyond HUGE

Gilead's fortune looks to ride on HIV treatments.

and Gilead (Remdesivir) seems to be a supporter of the whole diversity LGBT agenda

If HC was known to treat HIV, then that means the Pharma industry has been exploiting HIV by pushing extremely expensive and complex therapies that dont even cure it, when a cheap and effective treatment(even if not a total cure either) was available. millions of lives could have been saved, and how many were sent to the poor house over it?

How would the lgbt mafia take to have been sacrificed like that?

and this doesnt touch on the whole 3rd world disaster taking place over HIV.