Anonymous ID: 17b1a6 May 1, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.8991094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Listening to Gov. Witchmer on WJR 760 AM radio…


"The workplace will Not be the same as before"


"Businesses must protect their employees through carefully monitoring of symptoms, instituting an array of social distancing techniques, strengthening sanitation and hygiene, and providing recommended protective equipment, whether it’s masks or face shields or a combination thereof and additional measures."


Some industries are returning to work — such as commercial and residential construction starting May 7 ~

Whitmer said construction work is lower risk because employees can implement safe social distancing practices, but she worried about sharing tools…


Whitmer’s previous emergency declaration had been issued under Michigan’s Emergency Management Act, requiring legislative approval for extension beyond 28 days. Whitmer’s new order is pursuant to the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act of 1945, declaring that the emergency is continuing. Under that law, no legislative approval is required.


Honestly ~ How Have Humans SURVIVED This Far WithOUT Witches like Whitmer Looking Out For Us & Worrying About the Germs of Sharing Work Tools & Developing New Workplace Safety Guidelines?