Anonymous ID: 206af0 May 1, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.8991280   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1305


Neither I nor my children ever had flouride in our water as we drink from the family well. However, when they were babies/toddlers, their infant vitamins were "fortified" w/flouride b/c our water supply had none.

The bad news is I forgot to give them their vitamins more often than not. The good news is I forgot to give them their vitamins more often than not. What can I say? I never was good about remembering medications and the like. Even so, when they to school, the nurse came in once a week or so w/ a tray of dixie cups half filled w/ flouride rinse b/c pretty much the whole town had their own wells so I guess it was protocol. The kids were instructed to switch for so many seconds — maybe a minute, then spit in the cup. This occurred throughout elementary school but stopped around 8th grade. The kids COULD opt out, tho, and I found out later one of mine often did b/c he didn't like the taste. Of course not knowing any better I always bought flouride toothpaste until 5-6 years ago when I first heard about flouride calcifying the pineal gland. But by then all of my kids were grown. Still, it's interesting to me that my kids rarely had cavities whereas I had major fillings especially in my molars be the time I was 12. I mean I think I had as many fillings in my teeth as years I was old. So I do wonder if what little flouride my kids got help their teeth moreso than I who had none. I mean we had a box of baking soda on the bathroom sink growing up. Stick your brush in it and get the job done. Still, since learning about flouride's effect on the pineal gland, I have wondered if my lack of flouride, and my kids' relatively little flouride, has anything to do with us all being very intuitive and perceptive. I myself just "know" when something or someone is not right and my kids have been gifted with the same, but not as finely honed as mine. So yea, I hardly have any molars but am perceptive as a coyote. My kids all have beautiful teeth and are as perceptive as foxes. So, yea. I do wish I had some of my molars, though. It's tough chewing with one.

Anonymous ID: 206af0 May 1, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.8991420   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Aha, my perception of you is that you enjoy insulting people, especially from afar, when you don't have to look them in the eye. My perception also says underneath your virtual persona you are a very insecure person; possibly living in mom's basement…

Nevertheless, I HAVE looked up about iodine, but highly value anecdotal experience, especially from high-IQ autistes, unlike yourself.

In short, fuck off, cretin.