So 1,270,000 jobs go to China and India graduates. Well time to send them home. We have MANY USA graduates that are needing a job to help with THEIR student loans. So it's GREAT to hear there are so many jobs for your young adults. Their burden of student loans have stalled their way of life to start families, and think of the future as we all know those now will not be able to have Social Security, and will have to make sure they have something in line for their retirement. Yes Social Security is almost gone. The Federal Government raided it time and time again for funds and just put IOU's in. Just look at the Sanctuary States asking for Federal bailouts. You will see they did the same thing with all State pensions for their illogical socialistic plans.
Also regarding Disney and their National Parks, I've read in the past that Americans were made to train Foreigners to then take their jobs. That practice must end. No more foreign help. Many high school students and college students looking for work to supplement their way to an education is needed. Unfortunately due to the high cost here to live in NJ, many seniors have had to take positions that young people usually took for summer jobs, just to make ends meet.
Time to worry about Americans. To those Fortunate 500 companies, HIRE Americans if not, they need to be taxed higher than those companies that hire Americans. Time that the STAKEHOLDERS be AMERICANS, not Foreign Nationals.