Anonymous ID: 5d16d0 May 1, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.8990913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0941 >>1000 >>1192

As Business Owners Face Jail for Staying Open During Lockdown, ‘High-Risk’ Child Rapists Set Free


Orange County, CA — Over the past two months, non-violent inmates have been released from prisons across the country in an attempt to prevent massive outbreaks behind bars. Some law enforcement officials have raised concerns over releasing people in jail for marijuana possession, but they’ve largely been ignored thanks to common sense. However, law enforcement sources in New York and California are justified in their concerns as dangerous “high-risk” child rapists have been released.


The number of guards and inmates testing positive for COVID-19 continues to rise across the country — though deaths remain low. As we reported in March, it was only a matter of time before someone who is not exhibiting symptoms brings it in to one of the many prisons across the country. As the multiple cruise ship outbreaks illustrate, once the virus enters a closed space, it explodes and not just on the cruise ship.


Across the country, jails have been moving to set prisoners free. In LA county, inmates with 30 days or less on their sentences were set free. Sheriff Alex Villanueva stated that the department will also limit arrests to only dangerous suspects, decreasing the re-entry level. Also, anyone with a bail of $50,000 or less is being let out.


In New York, Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez said low-level offenses that don’t jeopardize public safety will not be prosecuted at all during the coronavirus outbreak. Authorities are also moving to release certain demographics from the prisons as well.


In Greece, New York, however, officials announced in March that they will be releasing child rapists, raising concerns among many. And now, Orange County, California is doing the same.


On Tuesday, residents of Orange County were issued a warning by District Attorney Todd Spitzer, letting them know that seven registered sex offenders who he said were “high-risk” were recently released from custody.


KTLA reports, Spitzer said the convicted men spent “just days” in jail instead of the six months required by law for those registered as sex offenders. Illustrating the reckless nature of such a decision is the fact that all of these violent sex offenders had also been charged with cutting off their GPS monitors or tampering with their tracking devices.


The DA called the men “the most dangerous kind of criminal and the most likely to reoffend.”


“These are not the kind of people who should be getting a break,” he said.


“It is not the court’s responsibility to control the jail population by releasing these dangerous criminals back into our communities,” the DA said. “The residents of Orange County deserve to have the peace of mind that registered sex offenders are being held accountable and not just let out the front door of a jail by a court commissioner who refuses to follow the law.”


On top of the court knowing these men had convictions for tampering with their ankle monitors, all seven of these men have violent criminal records, and five of the seven have been arrested for criminal sex acts against children.


This is the exact same thing that unfolded in New York in March.


As TFTP reported in March, multiple sex offenders were released from the Monroe County Jail as part of a statewide order coming from The Department of Corrections and Community Services– or DOCCS.


Just like in Orange County, the release of the dangerous rapists perplexed even the chief of police.


“It doesn’t make any sense. If you could present an argument to me that makes sense, I’m willing to listen. But this doesn’t make any sense,” Patrick Phelan, the Greece Chief of Police, said.


The inmates were moved to the Holiday Inn Express after the DOCCS was ordered to release low-level technical parole violators. But as stated above, these are not ‘low level’ offenders.


As WROC points out, among the inmates known to be staying at the Holiday Inn Express are four registered sex offenders. Three of whom are registered as level 3 sex offenders and are deemed by New York courts as most likely to re-offend. All three of the level 3 sex offenders staying at the Holiday Inn Express have been convicted for the rape of minors.

Anonymous ID: 5d16d0 May 1, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.8991107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Madonna says she has COVID-19 antibodies, so, naturally, she's going to go breathe some coronavirus air


But what does this even mean


Entertainer Madonna says that she has tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies — whatever that means — and so she now plans to take a drive to "breathe in the COVID-19 air."


What are the details?


The longtime entertainer shared a decidedly bizarre message in an Instagram video on Thursday.


"Took a test the other day and found out that I have the antibodies," she said. "So, tomorrow, I'm just going to go for a long drive in the car, and I'm gonna roll down the window and I'm gonna breathe in the COVID-19 air. Yup. I hope the sun is shining."


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antibody tests look for antibodies via blood tests to see if a patient was previously exposed to the virus.


The CDC adds, "It's unclear if those antibodies can provide protection (immunity) against getting infected again. This means that we do not know at this time if antibodies make you immune to the virus."


Further, the organization points out, it's "possible you might test positive for antibodies and you might not have or have ever had symptoms of COVID-19."


"This is known as having an asymptomatic infection, or an infection without symptoms," the CDC reports.


What else?


Madonna previously referred to COVID-19 as "the great equalizer," which was naturally met with much criticism.


"That's the thing about COVID-19," she said in another questionable social media video. "It doesn't care about how rich you are, how famous you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, where you live, how old you are, what amazing stories you can tell. It's the great equalizer."


She added that "what's terrible" about the COVID-19 pandemic is exactly "what's great about it."


"[W]hat's terrible about it is that it's made us all equal in many ways," she added. "And what's wonderful about it is that it's made us all equal in many ways."

Anonymous ID: 5d16d0 May 1, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.8991217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1236 >>1276 >>1373

Criminal Charges Filed Against Two Iranian Nationals for Violating Money Laundering & Sanctions Laws by Procuring Petroleum Tanker

Anonymous ID: 5d16d0 May 1, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.8991224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Owner of U.S. Navy Husbanding Services Provider Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Bribery

Anonymous ID: 5d16d0 May 1, 2020, 1 p.m. No.8991267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Informant Nation: Lockdown Snitches Report Their Neighbours to Police 200,000+ Times


British people have taken to their new roles as government informants with surprising enthusiasm, inundating police forces with reports of neighbours allegedly breaking the terms of the state-imposed coronavirus lockdown.


British newspaper of record The Times reports perceived crimes such as public loitering and having house parties have been reported to police in recent weeks.


Adopting the ruthlessly pro-conformity mien more frequently associated in the past with the denizens of autocratic and oppressive regimes, over 200,000 alleged infractions of the government’s national house arrest have been reported to police.


Police forces have actively solicited these reports in many cases, with several creating online portals where members of the public can easily file reports on their fellow citizens. One police force that took the step to provide an official form for informants said of the push: “we want to make it as easy as possible for members of the public to tell us… I can assure the public that all reports will be considered by our staff coordinating the operational policing response to Covid-19″.


Those caught breaking the government-imposed lockdown can be fined £60 by a police officer, but this amount falls to £30 if the fine is paid promptly. The fine doubles for every repeat offence to a maximum of £960.


While it is not clear how many of the public reports made are actually acted upon by police, there are nevertheless some emerging trends in the data of those who actually receive lockdown fines. The greatest number of fines was recorded over the Easter weekend, a traditional time for worship, celebration, and visiting family in Christian countries, and other spikes coincide with the weather being warmer.


The phenomenon led one senior police officer cited in The Times‘ report to note the broader population would likely become “restless” as summer established itself.


Although a large proportion — 48 per cent — of those actually given fines already have a criminal record, implying an established willingness to flaunt the law despite the consequences, the majority do not have previous convictions and are therefore, presumably, members of Britain’s wider society.


The newspaper further reports that, in terms of the ethnic breakdown of those fined, in absolute terms white people have received more lockdown fines than all other ethnic groups put together, but Britain’s ethnic minorities have actually received more per head of population, with Asian residents getting 19.9 fines per capita and black people 18.9, compared to 10.9 for white Britons.