Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.8991528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1917

Yes..The (((Fed))). Has A “DARK” SECRET That You Are NOT Supposed To Know About. And It’s A Second Balance Sheet On The Side


Insane times we are living in and the normal guy out there understanding not a little fraction of this… I mean where is this going? Is this the end game and the end play? What’s after that when they own everything? I hope something will happen in peoples minds and they will stand up… otherwise we are lost… I mean really lost!

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.8991535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1562 >>1565 >>1652 >>1683 >>1711 >>1819 >>1880 >>2037 >>2097 >>2144

Listen to this…and let it sink in. Chicago will be the first to undergo Mass Vaccination.


They are throwing it in our faces now. No longer trying to hide it…I never thought I would live to see this evil shit actually happen.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.8991545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1819 >>2097 >>2144

Coronavirus vaccine: Moderna signs deal for 1 billion Covid-19 doses a year


India has collaborated with scientists at Oxford University for a malaria vaccine project in the past


Moderna announced a global agreement under which Lonza Group will ramp up output of the proposed vaccine, which is based on a novel technology that relies on genetic material called mRNA. They expect the first batches to be produced in the US in July


Moderna Inc., one of the leaders among US companies developing experimental vaccines against the coronavirus, entered a pact with Lonza Group AG aimed at manufacturing 1 billion doses a year.

The companies announced a global agreement under which the Swiss chemical and pharmaceutical company will ramp up output of the proposed vaccine, which is based on a novel technology that relies on genetic material called mRNA. They expect the first batches to be produced in the US in July.

The agreement is one of several partnerships being struck between drugmakers as they rush to bring protection against Covid-19 to the market. On Thursday, AstraZeneca Plc announced an agreement to make an experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, eyeing production capacity for 100 million doses by the end of the year.

Because prospects for drugs to treat Covid-19 remain uncertain, rolling out vaccines on a widespread scale could be key to reopening economies from lockdowns. Otherwise new waves of infections could emerge, potentially on a seasonal pattern like the flu. If Moderna and Lonza reach their target of 1 billion doses a year, that would be enough for more than one-eighth of the world’s population.

With dozens of projects under way around the world, the Trump administration wants to make shots available for Americans by the end of 2020. Richard Hatchett, head of the Oslo-based Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, has said cooperation between drugmakers could accelerate the process of bringing out a vaccine, which normally would take a year or more.

New technology

Moderna’s experimental shot induces the body’s own cells to make virus-like proteins that stimulate an immune response and prepare for an actual infection. It was one of the first proposed coronavirus vaccines to enter human trials. The company said it plans to begin the next phase of studies this quarter.

Shares of Moderna, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have more than doubled since the start of the year as its studies of its vaccine candidate have advanced. In premarket trading Friday, they rose 3%.

The pact with Lonza will enable a tenfold increase in manufacturing, which Moderna has already begun, according to a statement.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.8991575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19


Johns Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second most COVID-19 cases in the world, due to its close proximity to Mainland China.


But astonishingly, in spite of being only 80 miles from the coast of China with over 400,000 of its 24 million citizens working in China, as of mid-April, the country only had 400 cases of COVID-19, and only 6 deaths. And the vast majority of their 400 cases came into the country from abroad.


All of this has happened without shutting down the country with lock downs, and with almost all of its businesses continuing to operate.


Is Taiwan doing something else the rest of the world is largely missing?


This question will no doubt be asked for months or even years into the future, but it is a question well worth asking, given the devastating effects to the economy that have resulted from more restrictive measures such as the United States took.


The first thing to note is that while President Trump is now looking seriously at pulling out of the World Health Organization, Taiwan was never part of it. They were not allowed to join due to the WHO’s pro-China stance.


According to the Taipei Times, Taiwan’s CDC tried to warn China and WHO on December 31, 2019 about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, while China was still denying that such transmission was possible.


That same day, Taiwan started policies to monitor travel from China to reduce the chance of having the coronvirus come into their country. They were one of the first countries to restrict travel from China at their borders.


Taiwan had bad experiences from the 2003 SARS (another coronavirus) outbreak in China, and as a result their hospitals were well supplied with equipment to handle any outbreaks.


This SARS situation had reportedly taught them to have a healthy distrust in China and the World Health Organization to accurately report facts, and to have their own plan in place for future outbreaks.


But unlike the U.S. and many other countries, Taiwan did not quarantine the entire nation.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.8991630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647 >>1857

The Military Was Just Ordered To Active Duty – STATESIDE?!


What the hell is going on?


"National Emergency Authority To Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty" is being used to deploy these up to one million active soldiers domestically, and to direct them to enact the commands of — the Departments of Defense and of Homeland Security.


The executive order, is dated April 1, 2020 but was revised on the 30th. The same day the lockdown orders — extended on March 29, effectively lapse. They were not extended.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:41 p.m. No.8991676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1704

Mayor of Cali Colombia forcing people out of their homes because they have a cough, reported by a neighbor, they are HUNTING people now literally


Mayor of Cali Colombia forcing people out of their homes because they have a cough, reported by a neighbor, they are HUNTING people now literally.


they have groups of people in protective clothing driving around the city to see who is sick or acts sick and pick them up and put them in a special jail.


this is German ww2 practices and this is what they want to do all over the world, the mayority of the pathetic people in colombia even accept it and think wouw this is good


check video.


and here the facebook source

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8991708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Accuser Tara Reade Willing To Testify Under Oath About Sexual Assault Allegation


After a week of media speculation, as more and more evidence comes forward lending credibility to claims, Tara Reade has publicly stated her willingness to testify under oath regarding her sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden.

Speaking with Fox News, Reade criticized the media and leaders of #MeToo for turning sexual harassment and assault into a partisan issue, demanding that people actually look into the veracity of her claims.

“Why have you made sexual assault and sexual harassment a partisan issue?” Reade said. “Why aren’t you looking at the veracity of my claim, looking at that I’m willing to go under oath, that I made a police report, that I worked for Joe Biden?”

“You should be able to have your voice heard without losing your career and losing your job. And that’s what your whole mission is about. Why do I not qualify for your mission?” she continued. “Why, because my perpetrator is the leading Democrat? Why does that exempt me from help?”

In March, Tara Reade claimed that then-Senator Joe Biden sexually assaulted her while she served as an aide in his Senate offices during the Clinton administration. She has since detailed her account in multiple interviews and filed a criminal complaint against the former vice president with the Washington, D.C., police department. A former neighbor of Reade and Reade’s brother have both publicly stated that Reade told them of the alleged assault in the 1990s. Recently surfaced evidence also suggests that Reade’s mother called into CNN’s Larry King in the 1990s to complain about a prominent senator with whom her daughter had “problems.”

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.8991720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Epstein Victim Maria Farmer Calls Billionaire Les Wexner 'The Head of The Snake' in Bombshell Interview


Jeffrey Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who along with her younger sister were the first to report Epstein to the FBI all the way back in 1996, made a series of shocking allegations in a lengthy interview with journalist Whitney Webb.


Farmer accused the FBI of covering for Epstein and being "in on it" and said she thinks pro-Israel billionaire Les Wexner is the "head of the snake" when it comes to the Epstein network's operation in America.


From The Last American Vagabond:


The Last American Vagabond has decided to release the entire phone conversation between Whitney Webb and Maria Farmer, a victim of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell who had reported both to the FBI in 1996 for child pornography, sex trafficking and sexual assault. Farmer, who has been interviewed by mainstream media outlets including The New York Times and CBS News, had reached out to Whitney because Maria felt that other outlets would not publish much of the information she had given them on the case, particularly information related to Ohio billionaire Leslie Wexner, who had close ties to Jeffrey Epstein and his sex trafficking/ blackmail operation.


The phone call will be released in two parts, the first part can be heard below. The decision to release this phone call was twofold: first, to show that claims Whitney has made in recent interviews were indeed accurately based on statements Maria made during the call and to provide greater context to those statements; and second, to make the information publicly available and more easily disseminated to the widest audience possible.


During the call, Maria covers a lot of ground and the call was never intended to be released as an interview, as Whitney gave Maria free range to discuss situations and topics without prompting from Whitney. In the first half of the call, Maria discusses her horrific experience at Wexner’s guest house, witnessing preparations for Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein to receive then-President Clinton on more than one occasion in 1995 and how Ivana Trump, President Trump’s ex-wife, frequently accompanied Ghislaine Maxwell when she went to recruit pre-teen girls for Epstein, among many other claims that can and have been corroborated by existing evidence and other interviews Whitney Webb has conducted in relation to the Epstein case. In addition, Maria provided Whitney with a copy of her drivers license with Wexner’s address, which she discusses in the phone call, and this will also be released in the coming days.


One notable comment that Maria makes is regarding the man whom she calls the “holy grail” of the Epstein case, Epstein and Maxwell’s longtime chef, Andy Stewart. Maria refers to him as “Chef Andy” in the phone call. Andy Stewart died suddenly on April 7 as Maria’s lawyers were seeking to subpoena him for information on the case, and Maria and her lawyers were unaware of his untimely death until after her phone call with Whitney.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.8991739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785 >>1831 >>2098

Israeli Historian Discovers '6 Million' Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944


Boston University’s director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in what is now known as the state of Israel.


For years, supporters of the Holocaust narrative have held that the number first appeared at the Nuremberg trials using highly discredited testimony by Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss. The 6,000,000 figure was again repeated by Adolf Eichmann, who was kidnapped by the Mossad and forced to participate in an internationally televised 1962 show trial in Israel.


According to documents in the Central Zionist Archive, the first mention of the 6 million claim was at a meeting of high ranking Zionist political figures in Palestine on January 19th, 1944 — more than a year before the war in Europe ended and a census could be taken, and a year before the Red Army entered Auschwitz.


Rappel names Eliezer Unger, a Polish-Jew who helped lead the Hashomer Hadati religious Zionist youth organization, as the major figure in developing the count of Jews killed by the Nazis. Unger claimed to have escaped from his Polish ghetto through Eastern Europe. After arriving in Palestine, he stated his intention “to shock the entire world, all of humanity and our brothers the Children of Israel in particular.” Unger had no evidence for what he was saying, but he did not believe Rabbi Stephen Wise’s assertions in the international media in 1943 of 2 million Jews being killed was making enough of an impact.


After Unger met with the Jewish groups and got them all on the same page, Haaretz published a small article a few days later that for the first time put the 6 million figure on the record, preceding German military leaders tortured into making confessions after the war. It doesn’t appear that Unger mentioned anything about homicidal gas chambers.


The Haaretz article ends the revelation by quoting Eichmann’s chief prosecutor Gideon Hausner, who on the 6 million number stated: “In the consciousness of the nation the number 6 million has become sanctified. It’s not so simple to prove that. We did not use this number in any official document, but it became sanctified.” In other words, it’s a lie.


After decades of killing, imprisoning, firebombing and bankrupting Holocaust revisionists, it seems that the Jewish community is now being forced to recalibrate their narrative and give more and more ground. That they are now beginning to concede that the “6 million” is nothing more than Zionist propaganda is a major blow to the myth.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.8991758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888

WTF! Teens temporarily no longer required to take road test to get driver’s license in Georgia



ATLANTA — The governor’s office has dropped the road test requirement for teens applying for driver’s licenses, which has some parents concerned.


The official road test is normally a rite of passage for teens to get a driver’s license. For obvious reasons, the tests were put on hold during the pandemic.


Channel 2′s Tom Regan was in Alpharetta, where 15-year-old Tanner Wiggins was getting driving lessons for his parents. His learner’s permit will be ready for an upgrade to a driver’s license in a few months.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.8991781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KENNEDY: We Have Allowed Ourselves to Become Bill Gates’ Guinea Pigs


By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. –


Other Billionaires (Trump, Bloomberg) run for president. Gates’ strategy of buying #WHO & purchasing control of US health officials like Tony #Fauci & #DeborahBirx has yielded him powers exceeding, in some respects, those wielded by presidents.


Control of WHO allows #BillGates to dictate global health policies affecting 7 billion people and to control the most intimate details of our lives; when and where we work, play sports, shop, attend school, go to beaches, bars, movies, concerts and what medicines we must and must not take. His minions may compel us to wear masks, lock us in our homes and ordain how close we can stand to our loved ones. #Gates is WHO’s second biggest donor after the USA.

RevContent InArticle SOLO


According to @Politico “Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s. Rather than focusing on strengthening health care in poor countries… the agency spends a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects… Gates prefers” such as GMO crops, chemical agriculture and vaccines. As the @nationmag reported last week, those policies often benefit pharma & chemical companies—like Monsanto—in which Gates and his foundation are heavily invested.


Those efforts rob resources from sanitation, hygiene, nutrition & development in favor of vaccine solutions with no proven benefits & no accountability. Gates’ disastrous Polio vaccine program has squandered half WHO’s total budget while spreading vaccine-strain polio epidemics around the globe. WHO reluctantly admits that Gates’s vaccine now causes 70% of global polio cases.


Gates was the first private individual to keynote WHO’s general assembly. He is treated like a head of state, at the WHO & the G20 and by the obsequious international press. A Geneva-based NGO rep complained to Politico: “Few people dare to openly criticize what he does.” Critics deride Gates’ approach as “monopolistic philanthropy.” Under his direction, WHO is conducting global social and medical experimentation applying Gates’ religious faith that he can use technology (vaccines and GMO agriculture) and his deep understanding of computers to make him the savior to all of humanity. We are his guinea pigs.

Anonymous ID: 85b60f May 1, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.8991813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2097 >>2144

MIT Ridicules Critics Of Technocrat Coup d’état


The masterful and carefully constructed lead paragraph in MIT’s Technology Review article Five things we need to do to make contact tracing really work states,


The ongoing pandemic is fertile ground for opportunistic hucksters, loud frauds, and coronavirus deniers who attack or blame everyone and everything from Chinese-Americans to Bill Gates to 5G networks. The latest front in this bizarre war: contact tracing.


You can see the clever use of words to conclude that anyone who would dare to criticize “contact tracing” is thrown in with “opportunistic hucksters, loud frauds and coronavirus deniers”. Furthermore, these deniers apparently make wild accusations, blaming “everyone and everything from Chinese-Americans to Bill Gates to 5G Networks.”


(Oh, you poor, ignorant masses who live in darkness and have so misunderstood science. When will you just shut up and start trusting those who have PhDs and all kinds of important letters after their names?)


MIT, on the other hand, positions itself as being in the “reasonable center”, doing responsible things in the name of solving a problem that must be solved. What does MIT recommend?


Task 1: Hire 100,000 manual tracers

Task 2: Protect privacy

Task 3: Ensure that tracing covers as many people as possible

Task 4: Accept that technology alone cannot solve this problem

Task 5. And do it all, now.


Addressing Objections On Privacy


After the shock of hiring 100,000 manual tracers, the writer anticipates the typical objection over invasion of privacy and seeks to overcome it:


Medical surveillance has repeatedly proved to be a life-saving tool, however, and Apple and Google say they are making privacy a priority by building decentralized systems designed to make malicious surveillance difficult while also providing key data to public health authorities. (emphasis added)


But, aren’t Google and Apple the two tech giants who know exactly where every phone (and its owner) is at all times? Don’t they have 100% of our personal identification data plus ancillary information about our purchases, preferences, travels, medical history, etc? Haven’t they already been investigated and fined by governments for mishandling customer data?


And, apparently MIT, et al., have no problem in throwing HIPAA legislation out the door once and for all. You remember HIPAA, right? That’s the form you are almost forced to sign whenever you enter any type of medical facility.