Anonymous ID: b7cd27 May 1, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.8991849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1886

U.S. Military prospective: pb>>>8989208 we in the past and present day are test subjects sometime unwittingly. When thinking about being forced to take a vac… it is not that you are held against your will but, the cult has as away use cunning to get folks to volunteer to take them. Creatures of habit we remain willfully ignorant until cost because the loss of life of a loved one or damage in which there is no repair. In the service being subject to UMCJ commanders listen to the same medical disinformation as the general public and make line of duty determinations when directing compliance with immunizations in the force. We that serve have 3 paths verify and allergy in which would prevent the compliance to which them members deployment availability would be hindered and in most cases cause the removal from service for medical reasons. Then refuse and if your commander is a member of zero tolerance crowd you will be offered Article 15 for failure to go or repair and an limited in the promotion cycle and administrative discharged. Finally take the vac as scheduled and suffer the ill effects and deal with your primary care manager. The flu shot is not suppose to cause illness according to the medical literature but, most of us became ill within 5 to 13 days every year for my time on active duty. The anthrax series suck ass. muscle pain, flu like symptoms and a golf ball size knot at the injection cite. Many of these im's are required before deployment and normal temp travel dependent on location. There is always those that believe in the latest medical fade I am not one of those but, with what has been learned so far it would be great to have some things simplified to work once for life and not be a lab rat forever…