Anonymous ID: d918b3 May 1, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.8991932   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Peak Prosperity channel discusses this drug and explains EXACTLY who profits from this drug over HCQ



Banks have made over 10 billion dollars holding onto the small business stimulus–but small businesses can't get a penny.

US workers. The contractor unemployment (1099) is still not up and running and people are being evicted, unable to pay mortgages, and the only people coming out ahead are the rich fuckers.


ONCE again, we the people have been fucked over. But glad q tossed youa bone after 4 years and released that Flynn info. YAY.


What's next? I told you-I warned you. Food shortages–many more homes / housing lost, contact tracings, "human quarantine" script flipping-and 100% betrayal.


What possible excuse of having Birx and Fauci and Pence front and center? What possible reason to IGNORE in fact and acknowledge with words–the fucking suffering of Americans? "hold on-soon" don't worry, we got this..script flipping on the virus constant misinformation, then flip then it's true, then it's misinformation- no one knows what to believe.


But here we all are again-the only people doing well are rich fuckers, bankers ONCE AGAIN make out like the bandits they are. Script flippers try to convince you its not what it looks likegovernment shits on we the people-and here we all areAGAIN. AGAIN and Q has managed to keep you all in your seats AGAIN.


Coming back after being out of here for 2 months are reading the recent drops-its super easy to see the nonsensical manipulation.


You want to know what I believe? I believe the leaked data from China in the early days. Before the chinks shut off the Internet entirely to stop VPN access. I believe my eyes from the average chink citizen, I believe the brave people accessing VPNs to leak data, I have sat there and watched the US media report on something the REAL autist site knew months ago. OH look- OH look. and right this very moment they are flipping the script on reinfection-oh that was a mistake, false positive tests. They are doing this so you don't know what to believe.

Anonymous ID: d918b3 May 1, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.8991958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1961


Peak Prosperity channel discusses this drug and explains EXACTLY who profits from this drug over HCQ



Banks have made over 10 billion dollars holding onto the small business stimulus–but small businesses can't get a penny.

US workers. The contractor unemployment (1099) is still not up and running and people are being evicted, unable to pay mortgages, and the only people coming out ahead are the rich fuckers.


ONCE again, we the people have been fucked over. But glad q tossed youa bone after 4 years and released that Flynn info. YAY.


What's next? I told you-I warned you. Food shortages–many more homes / housing lost, contact tracings, "human quarantine" script flipping-and 100% betrayal.


What possible excuse of having Birx and Fauci and Pence front and center? What possible reason to IGNORE in fact and acknowledge with words–the fucking suffering of Americans? "hold on-soon" don't worry, we got this..script flipping on the virus constant misinformation, then flip then it's true, then it's misinformation- no one knows what to believe.


But here we all are again-the only people doing well are rich fuckers, bankers ONCE AGAIN make out like the bandits they are. Script flippers try to convince you its not what it looks likegovernment shits on we the people-and here we all areAGAIN. AGAIN and Q has managed to keep you all in your seats AGAIN.


Coming back after being out of here for 2 months are reading the recent drops-its super easy to see the nonsensical manipulation.


You want to know what I believe? I believe the leaked data from China in the early days. Before the chinks shut off the Internet entirely to stop VPN access. I believe my eyes from the average chink citizen, I believe the brave people accessing VPNs to leak data, I have sat there and watched the US media report on something the REAL autist site knew months ago. OH look- OH look. and right this very moment they are flipping the script on reinfection-oh that was a mistake, false positive tests. They are doing this so you don't know what to believe.



Anonymous ID: d918b3 May 1, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.8991961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1986



NOT MAN MADE? script flipping on that-papers disappearing from archive. The official story? China is not going to take the blame for this–and the 5 eyes are desperate for this not to be traced to them. Before a month is out you fuckers will believe it was an accidental release from the BIO lab and that it was just a natural born in nature bat virus. Cap this.


"We have it all" then you fuckers should have known about this. Looking Glass? You weren't expecting "someone else" to step nin? Got caught off guard didn't you? Vaccine wasn't ready yet. NOT the virus you were expecting was it?


YOU are grinding us into the dirt to make us beg for and welcome our AI overlords. You attend astrotuffed protests acting the fools.


CONTACT tracing-leave your damn phone at home, stop using loyalty cards and pay with cash. Because here's what's coming next-contact tracing, "human forced quarantine" as you DESPERATELY CLING to what was-OMG rights church OMG rights-bars, OMG rights, small business. THE MINUTE you obeyed the first orders, was the second you LOST everything. There is no getting it back. QAI is keeping you distracted and you're too deep in to realize it. When the smoke clears you lot are going to be in FEMA camps humane quarantine waving your smart phones, posting on FB and complaining. RETARD people bravely going about without masks or any PPE to show how they will not comply-going into businesses carrying their phones-they have no idea if they are infected or not-I'm fully protected in the same store-that person comes with the Wuflu the next week-and if I have my cell phone, used a card, and or loyalty cards, the meta data shows who was also in that store with that brave asshole. Asshole gets business shut down, gets fully protected people locked in "humane quarantine"…all because they just HAD to prove how unconcerned they are about this virus.


The virus is real-very real. And not enough people died. Here's what is going to happen next (aside from the big event that is the icing on top of why the world is in lockdown). YOU will demand to go back to "normal" without realizing that normal is long gone. They are putting you in the position to demand your own demise. I wear a mask and goggles and gloves, I have a safe shopping procedure-I am going to stay as far away from fucking retards as possible. NOT because the government told me to, but because I've read the FIRST original papers coming out before the hiding and secrets started, before the doctors were arrested and murdered. And YOU WILL BEG to be able to catch this. Finally enough people will die and the government is going to be able to blame it on you. And, based on what I see-rightly so.


LOL you are being lied to about this virus. Not enough of you have died yet. And everydaythey stand in front of you and lie some more. NO REINFECTION? All I can do is laughbecause crying is a waste of time.