Anonymous ID: 0c74a2 May 1, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.8992697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2717



>Crazy How I was one of the "real 9" here on the board until I disagreed with your baker hate


Define real 9…Some of us have been here since the beginning..and are REAL…Anons/Patriots..and have been studying these Dirty FKers for Years… ..Probably before you were born…don't make me Troll You…Opppppps Sowwy…kekekek

Anonymous ID: 0c74a2 May 1, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.8992821   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dirty FKers just Can't Stop LYing


‘Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target – report


In its scramble to hit the target of 100,000 Covid-19 tests a day by the end of April, the UK government has revised the way it counts them, the Health Service Journal (HSJ) reports. UK health officials deny the claim.


A test would previously only have been counted in its tally once the sample had been processed in a laboratory, but that’s changed in the past few days, a senior source told the HSJ.


It’s alleged that the Department of Health and Social Care is now also including in its official numbers those tests that have simply been mailed out, regardless of whether the sample has been returned by the recipient.


We’re now counting a home test as tests which have been sent to people’s homes.


HSJ reports that up to 50,000 of the tests that will be registered as having taken place by the landmark date of April 30 will actually only have been mailed. That figure will also include those home tests that recipients have merely agreed to receive in the randomized trial being undertaken across England.


In the past week, 23–30 April, the number of ‘actual tests’ reported by the government has increased dramatically, from 23,560 to 81,611.


Matt Hancock, the health and social care secretary, had become “obsessed” with reaching the 100k target, according to an unnamed senior source quoted by HNJ, who added that work to achieve this goal had been “manic.”


Speaking at the government’s daily coronavirus press briefing on Friday evening, Hancock announced that the target had been met – with 122,000 tests recorded in the 24-hour period up to 9am local time Friday.

Anonymous ID: 0c74a2 May 1, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.8992846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Illegitimate presence’: Iran says Persian Gulf confrontation was sparked by US Navy encroaching on planned drills


A US-Iran confrontation in the Persian Gulf earlier this month kicked off due to the US Navy’s unauthorised presence during Iran's planned military drills, a senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) official has said.


IRGC naval commander Alireza Tangsiri told local media that the US forces were an “illegitimate presence” at the planned military maneuvers, “so they were ordered to leave.”


Responding to US accusations that the IRGC fleet provoked the confrontation by acting in a “harassing” manner towards US ships, Tangsiri said that “the Persian Gulf region is our home and we are not looking for a fire in our house.”


The US has said it maintains a naval presence in the region to carry out patrols of crucial shipping routes, and claimed that the recent encounter was sparked by Iran, whose speedboats buzzed the US Navy ships in a “dangerous and provocative” manner. The accusation has been dismissed by Iran as an indication that “the Americans are interested in Hollywood scenarios.”


Already-poor relations between the two countries have been particularly tense in recent months, following the US assassination of top Iranian major-general Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike at the start of this year. The killing triggered retaliations from Tehran in the form of missile strikes on Iraqi bases housing US troops.

Anonymous ID: 0c74a2 May 1, 2020, 3:40 p.m. No.8992877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2950

People Across Nation Protest Coronavirus Restrictions in Reopen Rallies


People across the nation are taking part in “reopen” rallies and protests, demanding for governors to begin lifting strict measures put in place to slow the spread of coronavirus in their states.


Many of the rallies have been and are being organized on Facebook, often hosted by Facebook groups that back reopening businesses and states’ economies.


At least a dozen have taken place in late April in cities large and small across the nation — in Allentown, Pennsylvania; Trenton, New Jersey; Augusta, Maine; Springfield, Illinois; Jefferson City, Missouri; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Casper, Wyoming; Madison, Wisconsin; Kingsport, Tennessee; Riverside, California; and Temecula, California.


Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) participated in one protest in Raleigh, North Carolina, as captured by North Carolina blogger Gerald Jackson.


#NorthCarolina Congressman Dan Bishop has a message for @NC_Governor #ReOpenNC #Raleigh


— Gerald Jackson (@GeraldJBlessed) April 21, 2020


NBC News anchor Andrea Mitchell on Sunday called the supporters of reopening states “what could be a new emerging Tea Party movement.”


NBC News anchor Andrea Mitchell on Sunday called the supporters of reopening states “what could be a new emerging Tea Party movement.”


More protests are planned for May, in Wilmington, Delaware; Concord, New Hampshire; Carson City, Nevada; and in cities all across California.


Protesters are encouraged to protest on foot or by cars, to bring American flags, wear masks, and comply with social distancing protocols. Those who feel sick are encouraged not to attend. Many rally organizers emphasized the protests would be peaceful.

Anonymous ID: 0c74a2 May 1, 2020, 3:43 p.m. No.8992894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2972

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Diagnosed With Chinese Coronavirus


Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus.


“It has just been revealed that my coronavirus tests have come back positive,” he said during a video conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “In light of this and in accordance with Rospotrebnadzor (Russia’s consumer watchdog – TASS) requirements, I should self-isolate and follow doctors’ orders,” reported Russian state news agency TASS.


Mishustin explained, “it is necessary to safeguard colleagues.”


“The government will continue working as normal, I plan to be in active contact via phone with colleagues <…on all key issues,” he noted, adding that he will be constantly available for video calls with Putin. He also assured the Russian leader that the government “is taking and will continue to take all the necessary measures” to fight the virus.


Moreover, the Russian head of cabinet proposed First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov should serve as acting prime minister while Mishustin himself recovers from the virus.

Anonymous ID: 0c74a2 May 1, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.8992922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: Durham Using Latest Flynn Files to Build a ‘Serious Case’ Against Corrupt FBI Officials


U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham has reviewed the damning, recently released FBI files on Gen. Michael Flynn, and is using them to build a “serious case,” Fox News reported Friday. According to a Fox source, the new information “could be sufficient” to bring charges against against corrupt FBI officials.


Newly released handwritten notes confirmed that the intent of the two agents [Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka] who interviewed Flynn at the White House on Jan. 24, 2017 was not to get to the truth, but to set a perjury trap “so we can prosecute or get him fired.”


On Jan. 4, 2017, members of the FBI team investigating Flynn had recommended that the case be closed because despite their surveillance efforts, “no derogatory information” had been found on Flynn. But disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok intervened, insisting that the case remain open because “the 7th floor” of FBI headquarters—where then-Director James Comey and then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe worked—was involved.