"It's Muh Joos"??!? Um, no.
The question isn't what fraction of Cabal "are" Jews.
The question is what fraction of Jews are Cabal.
A reasonable estimate (sauce: see infogaphic and related .pdf) is that perhaps 0.5% of Jews are in the Cabal. That is, 99.5% are not.
==Comparison? Here's a good proxy: "About 8.6% of the adult [American] population has a felony conviction." [That's 17x higher.]==
[Sauce: https:// www. libertariannews. org/2014/06/05/what-percentage-of-us-adult-population-that-has-a-felony-conviction/ ]
[See also: https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate ]
So, no – it's isn't "Muh Joos". It's Muh Satanist Cabal.
This Infographic & pdf are permanently available in In Memebank #55 at >>8890919 for future Kekistani Air Patrol anti-MuhJoos-Shill use.