Anonymous ID: f2cbb5 May 1, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.8992440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2550 >>2584

"It's Muh Joos"??!? Um, no.


The question isn't what fraction of Cabal "are" Jews.

The question is what fraction of Jews are Cabal.


A reasonable estimate (sauce: see infogaphic and related .pdf) is that perhaps 0.5% of Jews are in the Cabal. That is, 99.5% are not.


==Comparison? Here's a good proxy: "About 8.6% of the adult [American] population has a felony conviction." [That's 17x higher.]==

[Sauce: https:// www. libertariannews. org/2014/06/05/what-percentage-of-us-adult-population-that-has-a-felony-conviction/ ]

[See also: https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate ]


So, no – it's isn't "Muh Joos". It's Muh Satanist Cabal.



This Infographic & pdf are permanently available in In Memebank #55 at >>8890919 for future Kekistani Air Patrol anti-MuhJoos-Shill use.

Anonymous ID: f2cbb5 May 1, 2020, 3:08 p.m. No.8992584   🗄️.is 🔗kun




By your reasoning, because 8.6% of the adult American population are convicted felons, "Americans are criminals".


After all, if some criminals are American, obviously Americans "are" Criminals.


You are "defending" the logical fallacy of the contrapositive. Fuck you're weak.


Also, you are full of shit, and an obvious Shill running a combo slide/demoralize gambit.


KYS you glowing faggit.