Anonymous ID: 180c30 May 1, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.8993049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8992806 (lb) Coming to a head, for all to see, even Inslee's brain dead (former) supporters. People like him & his fellow commie pols, pretend to represent the working man, the sweating class. Something this anon knows all about, but Inslee doesn't. Think of the millions of working people who are out of work, seeing other states opening, and who see Inslee telling them, "Screw you all, I am king, and you will follow my ludicrous lockdown orders, because we need to wreck the state, nation, and citizens even more than we have already managed." MF thinks deplorables are bad? Wait until his own come for him.