Anonymous ID: 77abff May 1, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.8993079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thought for the bread title.


The Constitution does NOT give ANY government permission to go around "injecting" humans with what ever the hell they want.


What ever governing person decides to make vaccines mandatory, is practicing medicine without a license, and can have their asses sued off for such. (And absolutely should, personally, as in sue them personally, not as governor or what ever office)


Also. Such a forced injection is the CRIME of battery.

Criminals are prosecuted by the state.

Therefore there are no legal expenses to be had anons. Just get there and force the issue with some state attorney. They must prosecute crimes, from murder, to theft, to … yes.. battery.


In this case, attempted battery.


A judge made this mistake about 5 years back. He got pissed, and ordered all the antivax parents to bring their children to the courtroom for their shots, to be given in the courtroom.


Practicing medicine without a license is a CRIME.

Battery, is a crime.

If so much as one forced person dies from the forced shot, you have the crime of murder, in addition. LET THESE PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THEY FACE with their TYRANNY ATTEMPTS. If someone is allergic, make them responsible for the hospital bill in a civil suit. Do the go fund me for anyone harmed, and have at their asses.

Do not tolerate tyranny.