Anonymous ID: b6e901 May 1, 2020, 5:08 p.m. No.8993686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3779

>>8989042 lb

>Covid did not kill as many people as thought, ergo, not that dangerous. But POTUS said 2.2 million could die, and POTUS said that other countries that did nothing, herd mentality, are doing very poorly. How do you convince 2.2 million people that they could have died?


Fauci's models forecasted that if nothing was done 2.2 million people in the US were going to die from c19. Sadly, about 50,000 people have died.

So, if Trump is a bumbling fool, then no lives were saved at all by the policies he implemented. However, that also implies that Fauci's models were horrendously wrong.

Conversely, if Fauci's models were impeccable, then Trump is a logistical genius and 2.15 million lives were saved.

Argumentatively, it's a false dichotomy but it sets the boundaries for evaluation of the response.


If 2.2 million people were as good as dead, and yet the 2.15 million people "saved" is a dismal failure, what is a realistic metric for a successful response to the epidemic?