Anonymous ID: 092aed May 1, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.8994337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4393 >>4469 >>4529

Sources Close to John Durham Say Criminal Actions Laid Out in Recent DOJ Documents Enough to Bring Charges Against Obama Deep State Officials


Lou Dobbs reported on Friday that sources familiar with the John Durham investigation say Durham believes the criminal actions laid out in recently released documents are sufficient to bring charges against Obama FBI and DOJ.


This is very big news!


Lou Dobbs: Sources familiar with the investigation tell FOX News that US Attorney John Durham has reviewed the recently released documents from the Flynn case and that Durham now believes the corrupt actions laid out in those documents are sufficient to bring charges against members of the FBI and the Department of Justice who carried out criminal acts against General Flynn. Durham is said to be speaking regularly with Attorney General Bill Barr and is building what some sources call a serious case against those FBI and DOJ officials. Durham is expected to wrap up his investigation by the end of this summer.


FOX News has more here.

Anonymous ID: 092aed May 1, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.8994359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4465 >>4478

“High-Risk” Convicted Child Molester Rearrested For Sex Crimes After Controversial Release From California Jail Due to COVID-19


Rudy William Grajeda Magdaleno, 39, was one of the seven “high-risk” sex offenders and child molesters released from a prison in Orange County by Court Commissioner Joseph Dane due to the Coronavirus.


Magdaleno was rearrested on sex crimes this week just two weeks after he was released from prison in Orange County.


Magdaleno has a significant documented criminal history of sex crimes and his previous convictions include child molestation, indecent exposure, assault, battery, criminal threats and other charges.


“I find it extremely troubling that this high risk sex offender was authorized for release, in spite of his significant documented criminal history,” Santa Ana Police Chief David Valentin said.


Santa Ana police say his convictions include a sexual assault on a mentally disabled person; breaking into a home while naked from the waist down and peeking into an 11-year-old girl’s room; and entering a Santa Ana law office, sitting on the floor and beginning to masturbate while staring at a woman in the office. – ABC 7 reported.


Magdaleno failed to charge his GPS monitor just one day before he was rearrested for exposing himself at a parole resource center.


ABC 7 reported:


A high-risk registered sex offender was arrested Thursday for allegedly exposing himself at a parole resource center, just two weeks after a controversial early release from the Orange County Jail.


Seven inmates who were deemed high-risk sex offenders were released early in April by a court commissioner, triggering criticism and warnings from county law enforcement officials who said the release was not necessary because the jails were not overcrowded.


One of them was Rudy William Grajeda Magdaleno, who was released April 13 after serving 71 days in jail on a 180-day minimum sentence. Officials say he has an extensive criminal history including convictions for robbery, narcotics possession, criminal threats and child annoyance.


Santa Ana police say Magdaleno was at a parole resource center on April 17 when he exposed himself to staff members there. He had also failed to charge his GPS monitor and the device had stopped tracking him the day before.


“These kinds of high-risk sex offenders are the most dangerous kind of criminal and the most likely to re-offend,” District Attorney Todd Spitzer said in a statement. “They are doing everything they can to avoid detection by the parole officers assigned to monitor them so they can potentially commit additional sex offenses. These are not the kind of people who should be getting a break.


Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes corrected the record after the media falsely reported his department released the 7 “high-risk” sex offenders.


“These inmates were released by court order, and are not in any way connected to the measures I have taken to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the Orange County jail,” Sheriff Barnes said in a statement this week. “I oppose effort that excuse criminal behavior and jeopardize the safety of our community.”

Anonymous ID: 092aed May 1, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.8994378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Drawdown in Afghanistan Is Ahead of Schedule


Could hit 8,600 troop goal within a few weeks


Earlier this week, it was reported that President Trump was keen to speed up the pullout from Afghanistan, because of concerns that the nation could soon find itself with coronavirus problems. The US has been cutting troops all this time, and are ahead of schedule.


When the peace deal was reached, the goal was to have 8,600 troops left by July. There are fewer than 10,000 left right now, and officials say that the 8,600 goal could be reached in just a few weeks. More cuts are expected after that.


The US never set a date to be out of Afghanistan at the time of the peace deal, but with Trump wanting out there seems to be a good chance that the level is just going to keep going down for the time being.


Trump had wanted cuts before the 2020 election, and cemented that this was going to happen with the Taliban peace deal. Even though post-deal progress has been slowed by the Afghan government’s lack of prisoner releases, the US is continuing the cuts.

Anonymous ID: 092aed May 1, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.8994401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4442

Groundhog Day: Juan GuaidĂł Is Trying to Overthrow the Venezuelan Government Again


One year since his audacious coup attempt failed spectacularly, GuaidĂł is once again trying to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro.


Exactly one year since his audacious coup attempt failed spectacularly, self-declared Venezuelan president Juan Guaidó is once again trying to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro. “Today I speak to the patriotic soldiers of our Armed Forces who rebelled against hunger and destruction and sided with the constitution,” he announced on social media last night, “To the majority of patriotic soldiers who are still in each branch of the Armed Forces: today, more than ever, there are obvious reasons for them to act and support the formation of a National Emergency Government…we are going to liberate all of Venezuela.” In a separate video published today, Guaidó addressed Maduro directly: “Every political agreement to save Venezuela begins with your departure from power,” he said, demanding his immediate resignation.


Guaidó’s call for the military to come over to his side and for Maduro to step down comes precisely one year after his most notable coup attempt, which primarily consisted of him standing on an overpass near a military base, claiming to have taken it over and to lead a huge rebel army. This narrative was rudely interrupted when state media rushed there and filmed the base in a state of complete normalcy, soldiers and even commanders unaware of their supposed defeat. Guaidó continued to address the nation via social media, claiming the small group of people around him in non-matching military uniforms were actual defecting soldiers. The day, like his three other coup attempts that year, ended in embarrassing defeat. The government brushed off the action, labelling it a “small” coup attempt.


However, there are reasons why the U.S. might be able to force their candidate on Venezuela this time. For one, the Trump administration has frozen and transferred $342 million from the Central Bank of Venezuela’s Citibank account to Guaidó, who is using the Venezuelan people’s collective wealth to pay his supporters $5,000 per month, an enormous salary in Venezuela. He is also offering local medical workers a stipend during the coronavirus pandemic, hoping to increase his base of support. At a time of collapsing oil prices (the country’s major export) the United States has also sent warships to the region to tighten sanctions against the country, all under the guise of an anti-drug operation. Venezuela imports a great deal of food, and much of it is controlled by oligarchical corporations linked to the opposition. For example, over half of the country’s flour is controlled by Empresas Polar, (the country’s largest private company) whose CEO, Lorenzo Mendoza, considered standing as the opposition’s presidential candidate in 2018. Mendoza has regularly used his power to starve the country at times of political tension.

Anonymous ID: 092aed May 1, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.8994440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Less than 20 Saudi princes infected by coronavirus, ex-official says


Less than 20 princes have contracted the novel coronavirus, the former Saudi intelligence chief, Turki Al-Faisal, announced yesterday.


Al-Faisal comments came in an article entitled “Coronavirus thoughts” in response to a recent report by the New York Times about infected Saudi royals.


On 8 April, the American newspaper said that the governor of Riyadh was “in intensive care with the coronavirus,” adding that other members of the royal family were “sick”.


“As many as 150 royals in the kingdom are now believed to have contracted the virus, including members of its lesser branches,” the newspaper reported, quoting a source close to the royal family. But Al-Faisal described the allegations as “libel”.


May 1, 2020 at 10:55 am


Less than 20 princes have contracted the novel coronavirus, the former Saudi intelligence chief, Turki Al-Faisal, announced yesterday.


Al-Faisal comments came in an article entitled “Coronavirus thoughts” in response to a recent report by the New York Times about infected Saudi royals.


On 8 April, the American newspaper said that the governor of Riyadh was “in intensive care with the coronavirus,” adding that other members of the royal family were “sick”.


“As many as 150 royals in the kingdom are now believed to have contracted the virus, including members of its lesser branches,” the newspaper reported, quoting a source close to the royal family. But Al-Faisal described the allegations as “libel”.


READ: Saudi Arabia to reopen holy mosques in Makkah and Madinah ‘in days’


Responding to the newspaper’s claims that the Saudi elite hospital – which treats royals – was “preparing as many as 500 beds for an expected influx of other family members,” the Saudi royal stressed that the hospital was “not designated for royals’ treatment only,” noting that it was open for “all citizens”.


Earlier this week, Saudi authorities said they would reopen the two holy mosques in Makkah and Madinah “in days” almost a month after prayers were suspended across the kingdom – as part of a series of measures to curb the spread of the disease.


Since appearing in Wuhan, China, in December, the virus has spread to at least 185 countries and regions. So far at least 3,297,983 people have contracted the virus, 233,518 have died, and 1,037,635 have recovered, according to the US’ Worldometers. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the outbreak a pandemic.