Anonymous ID: 5d68c6 May 1, 2020, 5:30 p.m. No.8993940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3948 >>3949 >>3968 >>4053

Andrew Cuomo says he believes Biden is telling truth on Tara Reade


Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday that he believes Joe Biden is telling the truth regarding the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s claims that he never sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade.


“It’s a difficult situation,” Cuomo told WAMC radio host Alan Chartock. “Everybody respects a woman’s right and responsibility to come forward and she did, and we encourage that all across the board. Joe Biden denies it, obviously he’s done that already.”

“I think it’s one of those issues that, it’s gonna’ be up to people to decide,” Cuomo said. “For myself I’ve known Joe Biden a number of years. He has always been straight forward and true to his word, so I accept his word.”


Cuomo pointed out that “just in general, it’s a political time, people make accusations. They don’t need any basis for it.”

“Anybody can say anything, and then if you’re in elected office you can defend it to the best you can,” the governor said. “But the ‘do you beat your wife? When did you stop beating your wife?’ You know those accusations, they’re just ugly, they can have no basis to them but you know people are free to make them.”

Anonymous ID: 5d68c6 May 1, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.8994389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4452

NYC reopening still 'a few months away at minimum', de Blasio says


Normal life in New York City "is a few months away at minimum" Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday, even as city continues to see a decline in coronavirus cases.

“Reopening … obviously is a few months away at a minimum,” the mayor said in response to a caller asking about small businesses and COVID-19 restrictions during an appearance on WNYC radio's “The Brian Lehrer Show.”

De Blasio said his administration is taking steps to bring the city out of the crisis. Parts of that includes the expansion of testing, tracing and isolation. The rate of infections sharply declined from 58 percent on April 11 to 23 percent Friday, the New York Post reported.


As of Friday, the city had recorded 164,505 cases, including 13,000 deaths. De Blasio announced 2,637 new confirmed cases were discovered Thursday, as well as 202 deaths.

"If you open up too soon you could pretty much guarantee a resurgence of the disease,” he said of scientific data.

In addition to testing, de Blasio will establish a series of advisory groups that will meet weekly beginning in May to discuss ways reopen the city. The Fair Recovery Task Force will formulate a recovery effort to rebuild the economy and another will work to address the racial disparity in COVID-19 infections and deaths.

"The goal is not to go back to the status quo, but to spur a recovery that confronts deep inequities, reaches into every neighborhood, and leaves New York stronger than ever," the mayor's office said last week while announcing the task force groups.

Anonymous ID: 5d68c6 May 1, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.8994428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4445

Lawyers say coronavirus risk too great, ask sheriffs to quarantine jail guards attending Northampton Trump rally to ensure inmate safety


Due to ongoing concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, multiple Western Massachusetts defense attorneys are urging area sheriffs not to let correctional officers attend a Northampton rally in favor of Republican President Donald Trump and then go to work after the event.


The request was made after “Correctional Officers for Trump 2020” appeared as a listed contact for the rally, called “Trump Standout & China Virus Liberation Celebration.” The event is one of dozens happening across the U.S. this week in support of Trump’s reelection and the reopening of the country amid the COVID-19 public health crisis.

The Northampton event is scheduled to happen Saturday afternoon near the Calvin Coolidge Bridge and Damon Road. The event’s website urges attendees to bring “banners, flags, signs and MAGA apparel.”


“Remember to show your love for all our Police and 1st Responders. We are not ANTIFA or BLM agitators. We are Patriots!,” the site says.


In a letter sent to the four sheriffs in Western Massachusetts, six lawyers in the Northampton area urged the law enforcement officials to ensure nobody who attends the event is then allowed to work without first being quarantined for an appropriate amount of time.


“Since the purpose of this rally is explicitly to support relaxation of social restrictions, we believe it is your responsibility to ensure that none of your correctional staff will be attending this rally, and then reporting for duty at your jail,” the attorneys’ letter said.