Anonymous ID: 684c88 May 1, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.8993797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8993546 (lb) Think back to Pelosi withholding the impeachment charges from the Senate, then the enormous brouhaha of a trial, then the not guilty vote. That was on Feb. 4, not even 3 months ago! Seems a lot farther back in time, yes? That's because the pace has been picking up steadily, ever since Russia Mueller, Russia Mueller, Russia Mueller, into the 4 month sham impeachment, and then the slime never even considered taking their foot off the accelerator. Their lives are at stake, and they are fighting & snarling & running & then rinsing & repeating, at such a frantic level that one would expect to see from cornered, treasonous satanists who know what awaits them. So we had the one brief shining moment of victory, when POTUS addressed his people in the WH after acquittal, and then instantly we went into muh corona & muh shutdown. Now it has built up to a stage where we are about to see some actual showdowns in various states. The rabid dogs will be rabid dogs until they cower or run, possibly concurrent with Durham delivering some fine brrrrrrrrrrrrrt on our enemies.

Anonymous ID: 684c88 May 1, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.8994053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8993940 When push comes to shove, the dirtbags fall in line. Every. Single. Time. Subhumans pretending to be elite, beings who do not believe in ANYTHING except self gratification, power, wealth, etc. The real statement: We don't care if he actually raped her, because he's carrying water for our gang of cutthroats, until we spring the Hag/Fag ticket on the world. Yeah, we all put on a public spectacle of fake righteousness & open corruption when we went after Kavanaugh….what's your point?

Anonymous ID: 684c88 May 1, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.8994237   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8994121 They will trot the skank out in August, at their conveniently twice postponed (hey, wanna go for a 3rd) convention, where all tards will see how they belong to a faction that denies their votes openly, shits in their faces, and puts in whoever they want. We are going to see the entire, great cesspool of traitors & morons on the dem side, be defeated & humiliated as their crazed world evaporates in an entertaining melee between sewer factions. Actually, it already has, but they are so far behind in the OODA loop that they can't even see our dust—and if they could, they would still be twice lapped.