Anonymous ID: 0b3b39 May 1, 2020, 6:47 p.m. No.8994755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4779

So, you guys going to line up like the sheep you arefor the Trump Vaccine? I know we're all so fucking screwed, no matter who is in chargethe virus isn't about the sickness, it's about the vaccine. FORCED vaccination?


While you were sleeping up QAI's ass–they're quietly covering up the virus origins, and because they were caught off guard, they're in a big rush to make a vaccine. They're LYING about the virus and flipping the script. They're fucking us all over financially while the rich get richer. They're lying about HCQ in favor of the more expensive Remensivir, and instead of going to prison, Hillary is going to run for president again.


When are you guys going to say enough is enough? 4 years, not ONE arrest except for Trump people. Everyone is a fucking traitor including the vice president-we all know it we all know-and the shepherd leads the sheep over the cliff to their own demise and you will have no one to blame but yourselves.



Anonymous ID: 0b3b39 May 1, 2020, 6:58 p.m. No.8994877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4957


>he was just what Dr. Trump ordered for the plan


The plan to force vaccinate you with a "special" vaccine that will wire you into the AI smartlink? Why is his administration bailing out the banks (AGAIN?) did he get advice from Obama on how to make sure your citizens are starving, and weak? Too weak to resist? WHY is the gov. buying up herds of ANIMALS?


Are we going to form a FUCK OFF VACCINE group? Protest? or, since Trump suddenly loves vaccinations and the bullshit LIES we keep hearing about a VACCINE COMING SOON (in 18 years there has NEVER been a successful vaccine for SARS. THIS is SARS-COVID19–a MAN MADE VIRUS and they are literally getting away with lying to each of you, every single fucking day. If you are not prepped, it's too late.

Anonymous ID: 0b3b39 May 1, 2020, 7:02 p.m. No.8994916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4934


That is a little bit too-"organized" don't you think? halfchan has argieglobro who admits to being a glowie–does a good job baking..such a good team. And I wander over here and find the baking-is not organic, it's highly organized with "talking points" as if anyone who actually needs that information would be reading it on here?


There is something seriously wrong here.


Will you take the jab? Or say no to the prick?

Anonymous ID: 0b3b39 May 1, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.8994960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She may be taking on a more active role and they will try to "do her up" a little so as not to seem backward or out of touch. In case you didn't notice she was pregnant at the Olympics next to Pence the Traitor.

Anonymous ID: 0b3b39 May 1, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.8995107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141


WOW after enough time has passed and people come and go, I suppose you think everyone has forgotten that that "chat" was fake af.



OH I KNOW-Trump's going to import his 200k more H1B workers to keep wages down, make sure our airplane software doesn't work (looking at you Boeing) and maybe, just maybe all those more brilliant than American tech worker PooinLoos can come in a take us to the moon like they did India. Pic related.



WWG1WGA sounds like a cult. The left is never going anywhere with usdo you think that magically one day they will just be like, "m'k yeah Trump good." FUCK I VOTED for him, planned to vote for him again, but what is the FUCKING POINT? Not a damn thing has been done about vote cheating and they're well lined up for it already. WWG1 really means we all go together as long as you come along WITH MEotherwise, fuck off–right?


The only thing the left and the right CAN agree on is that Bitch Carole Fucking Baskin killed her husband and fed him to the tigers.


IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to tell if Trump is a good guy-or a bad guy. HOW fucking sad is that? FORCED VACCINATION? Because no one in their fight fucking mind except some overly nervous green haired cat lady wine aunt would willingly get that shit injected into them.


They are deleting archived articles, hiding the early research, pretending those papers were never fucking written, and because you lot believe the virus is a hoax-you are asleep at the wheel


You knew I was a snake, when you let me in.

Anonymous ID: 0b3b39 May 1, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.8995213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Extraordinary claims-the chat logs posted up thread are fake af. The first time people tried to pass them off as fake REAL Autist ANONS called it out right away. Now that Qresearch is populated by anxious soccer moms and granny tits, I guess you'll be able to fool them. Just like your lot did with the "skippy" video.


This shit is fake af. Just more Mirage Men.