Anonymous ID: 3255dd May 1, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.8994679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is what despot faggots do. I was glad to see those armed Patriots that went to the statehouse in Michigan the other day. Some said it was unnecessary but I beg to differ. Not that those Patriots were "going to shoot someone", of course they weren't, but the message was sent and it was unambiguous. We have a 2nd Amendment for a fucking reason and that CUNT Governor is the exact reason. She's pushing, every progressive "don't give a fuck about the Constitution" elected official is pushing and pushing. Edging those locales closer to a very predictable, eventual clash. Ideology vs. Philosophy. One is logical, rational, civil. The other irrational, illogical and uncivil. Guess which one prevails? That's right.

Anonymous ID: 3255dd May 1, 2020, 6:48 p.m. No.8994764   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And you are literally on the front line Patriot. Barr needs to get off his ass and haul that faggot governor you have there into criminal court. Violators of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution need to quit being treated like they fucking jaywalked or double parked. This is a serious, clear and present danger to the Republic and it needs to be treated accordingly.

And notice the trend taking place all over the country in these liberal dominated areas. Not to mention the fucks in DC. Muh Trump/Russian collusion bullshit. Right out of the Frankfurt School playbook.