Anonymous ID: 33922c May 1, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.8994671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4794 >>5083 >>5204 >>5248



Analysis – Could Gen. Flynn replace PENCE in WH v2?


PENCE seems to be in full damage control mode (think ' painting the roses red') – is he on team 'insurgency'?


Suddenly, PENCE is 'more inclined than ever'  to believe that Gen. Flynn did NOT 'intentionally' mislead him. Curious timing…


*Note how this damage control narrative is coinciding w/ the fake Mayo/Clinic/GM Plant 'mask' distraction stunt.


Also of note, are the places/players involved in Pence's medi mask event:


i) Voice of America – started it calling out the VP for not wearing a mask @ Mayo Clinic. VOA is a media entity POTUS called out recently for publishing "disgusting things about the US" ;  


ii) The stage Mayo Clinic & GM are known cabal- controlled corps (Qpost 18 attached). 


Then there's Corne[y]'s 'paint the roses red' code (pic related). It appears as though this is exactly what PENCE is doing & Comey is messaging it out to the varied 'insurgents'.


In Q Post 3330, Q highlight's that PENCE's Chief of Staff's wife ( an FBI agent) & that it was confirmed via stork/page texts that the FBI attempted to plant/recruit moar confidential human sources w/in the WH.


Can't help but think the 'mask stunt' is both a distraction/diversion from the awkward back-peddle the VP is being forced to do now that the exculpatory evidence freeing Flynn case  is being publicly released & a PR stunt to spark sympathy/renew the VP's street cred with POTUS' base.

From WA Examiner( article not in qreseasch):


"Vice President Mike Pence said Thursday he is “inclined more than ever” to believe retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn did not intentionally mislead him about his conversations with a Russian envoy, which was a reason cited by President Trump for asking him to resign as national security adviser in early 2017. 


He made the comments after the FBI records released on Thursday have been touted by Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell, as exculpatory evidence heretofore concealed from the defense team…


“I think Gen. Michael Flynn is a patriotic American who served with great distinction in the armed forces of the United States. And I’m deeply troubled by the revelations of what appear to have been investigative abuse by officials in the Justice Department — and we are going to continue to look into that very carefully. But my respect for Gen. Flynn personally, for his service to the country, is undiminished,” Pence told reporters.


The vice president’s comments about Flynn on Thursday stand in contrast to those he made in December 2017, when CBS’s Margaret Brennan asked: “When he was fired, did you know he had lied to the FBI?” Pence answered: “What I can tell you is I knew he lied to me. And I know the president made the right decision with regard to him.”


…then-White House press secretary Sean Spicer explained Flynn’s departure. “We got to a point, not based on a legal issue, but based on a trust issue…” Spicer said. “The president was very concerned that General Flynn had misled the Vice President and others…”  


Fox News' Take (article not in


“I'm inclined, more than ever, to believe that what he communicated to me during the transition leading to our inauguration – that was unintentional and not that he was not attempting to misrepresent facts,” the vice president said after a tour of a General Motors plant in Indiana.


He was wearing a mask this time, after coming under fire for failing to do so earlier this week during a visit to the Mayo Clinic.


In 2017, Pence had said he was “disappointed” to learn the retired general had withheld information from him and supported Trump’s decision to ask for his resignation.  


Cross ref w/ this re: Mike Flynn Jr's tweets re: these events –