Anonymous ID: d7c8f8 May 1, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.8994704   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>8994303 (lb)

>>Why are "public servants" records allowed to be kept from the public?

>And the People, locked out of the People's House?!?

>We know why to both, but yours should be memed hard imho

Considering what most should know about Delaware (Corporations etc) got anon thinking about a bit at the end of that article (pic related)

Maybe more important than looking for what we already know (Creepy Joe), or memeing the question at this point..

Why is it a University board of Trustees has the power to own these records and keep them from the public?

Board Members

Dr. Devona E. Williams, Board Chair

She is the founder, president and CEO of Goeins-Williams Associates (GWA), a successful consulting business designed to help organizations achieve greater productivity in strategic work environments. The list of GWA clients includes AstraZeneca, Childrenโ€™s Hospital of Philadelphia, Christina Health Systems, the DuPont Corporation, the State of Delaware, and many others.

John Ridgeway, Vice Chair

John J. Allen, Jr., Vice Chair

The Honorable Michael N. Castle

Norman Griffiths, Esq.

Dr. Debbie Harrington

Lois M. Hobbs

Margie Lopez Waite

The Honorable Jack Markell

Dr. Wilma Mishoe

Harold Stafford

Jocelyn Stewart

Leroy A. Tice, Esq.

Bernadette Dorsey Whatley

Esthelda R. Parker Selby


Might be worth digging these names