Anonymous ID: efc62c May 1, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.8994635   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I need your help, frens.

Our enemy is ramping up their manipulation on our board and would like nothing better than to, and take this spoiler seriously as it's not a pretty picture, sing lullabies of how they're better patriots than you, while they rape your ass and have their buddies shit in your mouth before they slit your throat and move to the next abused anon.

They're sick.

Fucking sick.

I wish this wasn't an understatment.

They, like the lamestream media, will lie till their dying breath. They want you dead inside.


I've done my best to illuminate the ways in which our enemies invoke a sense of fear and keep one stuck in an abused and quiet mindset, afraid of being confident that ones literally helping save the world from their wretched control.

Afraid of reaching out to others and so abused that their personalities are fracturing.


You've had nightmares they have seeded.

I know because I've had countless myself, and though I may be one focal point for their anger, their objective is each of (You) who 'dare' stand against their will; Who want to make this world a better place; Who want their children to grow up in a beautiful world we can't yet fully imagine.


I write about their attacks, and how I think they're carried out, with the belief that once it's made conscious and understood you become immunized to the brunt of it.

I want you to understand that there are ways you can fight against them.

There are options to release the fear they put you in.


You need to remember you're worth Americas entire Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children.


So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body. Shake it off.

Pray. Pray. Pray to be released from their control.

Breath Raphael down from the sky and ask God he heals you.

Stand beside Michael's campfire, compare tactical notes and sharpen your weapons.

Wash yourself in Gabriel's ocean so the mucky attrition of our enemy is cleared away.

Uriel will keep your daily needs in order so we don't become unbalanced in the greatest fight we have had the honour of taking part in.


Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country. Fight.