Anonymous ID: 27a58b May 1, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.8995742   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Alliance Just Put an End to Ba’al Worship on May Day: The Rule of Law and Respect for the Divine is Being Restored


Historically, the dark occult groups who created the deep state use May 1st to worship Ba’al, a dark solar god that demands the sacrifice of innocents. But Q and the alliance, through Trump, proclaimed May 1st as Law Day. This is huge development.


The deep state satanists believe in the power of occult holidays and they believe that they need to use sacrifices on these days to effect their agenda. They want us to abandon the truth, justice, and the law in favor of selfish indulgence. To do this, they use mass trauma and fake flags to drive the people into a traumatized state. They then use that energy in their dark rituals because they believe they can influence events by invoking the will of Ba’al on May 1st and other days.


Whether you think this is all nonsense or not doesn’t matter. The cabal believe in these things and as such, what the alliance effectively did was ruin and destroy the underlying black magic basis of the deep state by asking us to pay respect to the rule of law. Instead of people spending the day indulging in consumerism, we’re asked to pay respect to the laws of freedom that the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence speak to.


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