"to 86 1917" specu
oldie but a goodie for dub dubs.
I'll lead the convoy!
Watch date 27th
Israel [72]nd anniv 4-28 (plus 5, 5-3)
"POTUS always 5-steps ahead" (11:00:15 / 35 / 5-3)
3:05 on watch (5-3)
"2 days ahead of schedule"
3:05 vertical axis mirror = hands on 9 & 11
Lincoln Memorial FOX interview 5-3?
drop references:
>>>4280617 (4:28pm, 6-15, P.T. Bridge)
White hats learn how to "never let a crisis go to waste?" Get everything accomplished all at once during same "crisis period"? Make the bad guys out to be the bad guys that they are in such a way that predicates tighter borders, returning manufacturing from abroad, releasing cures and new energy tech in the process? EMP-ish attack from China reveal our secret plan for back-up power source/energy-grid type? Watch CA.
"current magnitude is 5:5"
Comet SWAN
I am VISIBLE to the naked eye! I am 108,628,694 km away from Earth and my current magnitude is 5.5. You can spot me near the Cetus constellation.
Please retweet and spread the word!
#comet #cometc2020f8 #cometSWAN #C2020F8 #FollowTheComet
6:01 AM ยท May 2, 2020