wutz up you surly nocturnal shitposters. hey bakes (refuse to do pourple), sum tasty bred you got goin here. morn'n baker peek'n in early on a saturday morn'n. f'ing patriots all. enjoy your eevn'n / morn. except for the anon thats 'had enuf'. yer a quitter. don't be a quitter. noone likes quitters. except for your frens, cause they are prolly quitters too. quit be'n a quitter.
if i can do it. anyone can. 12 years here anon. quit chewing 2 years ago to boot. life changer.
so anons are meeting up to take over Canada next week right? poor canuckanons lulz
so kek… grinch. anon will have to show this at the victory parade after party. we'll have a big ass slideshow.
ain't click'n it. harry vox sounds too much like harry box. don't like the smell of it. plus don't like purple. it's the new ghey.
gives me tha warm tinglies.
gives me tha warm tinglies.>>8997816
timeout from the game:
any aons getting a funky "Updating Thread" message where new reply button is after trying to post? started getting this yesterday. it just hangs and i have to refresh muh browser.
Q said long ago that the grid is secure. emp wouldn’t help the bad guys either.
Regionally, could be a different story. emp would wouldn’t benefit [DS] in any way. Need us slaves to be productive. Knocking us back to horse and buggy Isn’t viable.