Anonymous ID: 35c664 May 2, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.9002079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2121 >>2187



The ancient Mayans called him a “jester god”, and wore that same three-lobed jester’s hat in his fond memory. We can confirm easily that the modern-day Quetzalcoatl, when acting as a crop artist, is still a talented joker or jester:

For example, in a highly-comical crop picture shown at upper right (of fifth pic related), he is “thinking about grey aliens” while “smoking his pipe”


Appendix 4. Unexpected and convincing proof: who has the power to make planet Earth “ring like a bell” at the frequency 17 Hz of their letter-name “Q”?

“What happened on 11-11-2018?” someone asked “Q” on the Internet. ”Think waves world-wide [17]”, Q-anon replied on December 2, 2018. Those left-right brackets denote a “number inside”, like in the E.T. binary codes given to a military man C.J. near Atlanta in 2015.

What he means is that all of planet Earth rang unexpectedly like a “bell” with “waves world-wide”, at a single, pure frequency of 17 Hz on 11-11-2018. Our geologists have no explanation for it (see

In other words, a “bell of freedom and liberty” rang at a monotone frequency of 17 Hertz (matching the alphabet letter “Q”) for 20 minutes, centred in the ocean off the east coast of Africa: (sixth pic related)

Anonymous ID: 35c664 May 2, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.9002121   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Second article:


The Quetzalcoatl Headdress from 2009 (seventh pic related)

The first “Q-anon” trip-code

The login or trip-code which “Q-anon” used, when he first began posting anonymously on the Internet ~~in late October of 2017~~ (author of the article is actually referring to the first 8chan Q tripcode on /qresearch/), looked like the mirror-image of “QVEZLTAwox!”. Those scrambled letters might suggest in turn a less-scrambled version as “QUETZAL vox!”, meaning the “voice of Quetzal!” in Latin. Trip-codes often feature slightly-scrambled English words. In 2015, our crop-artist friend drew in crops near Torino, Italy a binary-computer message which read “timeo ET ferentes!”, also in Latin.


Several symbols for “Q” or Quetzalcoatl, as the 17th letter of the alphabet, were drawn in crops near Wootton Wawen on August 8, 2017, then near Sutton Hall on August 17, 2017, in accord with the currently-popular practice of calling Q-anon by his coded number of “17”

Here are some more examples in seventh and nineth pic related

A large “Q” symbol with 17 “light rays” appeared near Wootton Wawen on August 8, 2017 (nineth pic related). The overall metaphor of this clever crop picture at Wootton Wawen was that some person “Q” may have come from the Pleiades (which shows a long “star trail”, resembling the long and narrow part of this crop picture with many “dots” as shown on the left), in order to lead us to a green and vibrant “Tree of Life” nearby, which is shown on the left-hand side as well:

(still nineth pic related, upper right segment) Seventeen segmented “light rays” were drawn around the centre of this crop picture, and surround what seems to be a large, capital letter “Q” at its base. They also match in number the 17th position of any letter “Q” in our alphabet


“Q-anon” began to post on the Internet just two months after these “Q” (17) crop pictures appeared