Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.9001600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fmr. Security for Rap Superstars and School Cop Charged with Raping Multiple Children


Philadelphia, PA — While most parents of school children in the United States will take comfort in knowing a police officer is at their child’s school, all too often, school cops are caught committing the vilest of offenses. As the following case out of Philadelphia illustrates, “protection and safety” are the last things some of the young children receive from their school cop.


A now-former Philadelphia school police officer has been charged in multiple instances of child sex abuse from his time as a school police officer. Former cop Howard Rubin, 51, was arrested on 12 counts and is being held on $3 million bail, court records show.


As the Philadelphia Inquirer points out, the most serious charge, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse — an adult engaging in sodomy with a person 15 or younger — is a felony that carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. The charges also include witness/victim intimidation, statutory sexual assault of a person 11 years or older, indecent assault of a person under 13 years old, and displaying obscene sexual materials.


According to the report, the exact details of these charges are unavailable and cannot be requested currently due to closures from the COVID-19 outbreak. Questions regarding the case were referred by a Philadelphia Police Department spokesperson to the District Attorney’s Office. Jane Roh, spokesperson for the District Attorney’s Office, declined to comment, saying it is an open case.


However, according to court records, two days before Rubin was fired from his position as school officer, his personnel file shows the school received multiple complaints from multiple young boys.


The Inquirer obtained the termination letter, in which principal James Higgins reportedly wrote that “some serious allegations have been made against you, which are now being investigated by police.… While we have yet to complete our investigation, we have determined that your behavior, at the very least, and even by your own admission, was unbecoming of a school police officer and a public employee.”


Two weeks later, CBS3 reported Rubin’s firing and said he was under investigation in the sexual assault of a male student. The school’s principal denied the story in a letter to parents the following day, the Inquirer reports.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.9001632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Multiple Instances Where Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Who Set Up Meeting with General Flynn at the White House, Lied and Lied


Dirty Cop Andrew McCabe lied so many times it appears he rarely told the truth. Here are three recent events that prove that the former FBI Director lacked candor in about everything.


Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe was fired from the FBI. His level of integrity was never in doubt – he had none. For example, we know McCabe signed off on one of the FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page. We also know that comments he made in his testimony in front of Congress conflicted with those made by former DAG Rod Rosenstein. But there is much more.

FBI Special Agent Robyn Gritz’s Account


Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robyn Gritz asked to post her letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan in support of her friend and colleague retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who was to be sentenced on December 18, 2018. After paragraphs of compliments for General Flynn, Special Agent Gritz shared her thoughts of Andrew McCabe and the FBI brass he worked with:



I believe I have a unique inside view of the mannerisms surrounding Andrew McCabe, other FBI Executive Management and Former Director Mueller, as well as the unethical and coercive tactics they use, not to seek the truth, but to coerce pleas or admissions to end the pain, as I call it. They destroy lives for their own agendas instead of seeking the truth for the American people. Candor is something that should be encouraged and used by leadership to have necessary and continued improvement. Under Mueller, it was seen as a threat and viciously opposed by those he pulled up in the chain of command.


I am explaining this because numerous Agents have expressed the need for you to know McCabe’s and Mueller’s pattern of “target and destroy” has been utilized on many others, without regard for policies and laws. I, myself, am a casualty of this reprehensible behavior and I have spoken to well over 150 other FBI individuals who are casualties as well.


McCabe’s Book

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.9001662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target


In its scramble to hit the target of 100,000 Covid-19 tests a day by the end of April, the UK government has revised the way it counts them, the Health Service Journal (HSJ) reports. UK health officials deny the claim.


A test would previously only have been counted in its tally once the sample had been processed in a laboratory, but that’s changed in the past few days, a senior source told the HSJ.


It’s alleged that the Department of Health and Social Care is now also including in its official numbers those tests that have simply been mailed out, regardless of whether the sample has been returned by the recipient.


We’re now counting a home test as tests which have been sent to people’s homes.


HSJ reports that up to 50,000 of the tests that will be registered as having taken place by the landmark date of April 30 will actually only have been mailed. That figure will also include those home tests that recipients have merely agreed to receive in the randomized trial being undertaken across England.


In the past week, 23–30 April, the number of ‘actual tests’ reported by the government has increased dramatically, from 23,560 to 81,611.


Matt Hancock, the health and social care secretary, had become “obsessed” with reaching the 100k target, according to an unnamed senior source quoted by HNJ, who added that work to achieve this goal had been “manic.”


Speaking at the government’s daily coronavirus press briefing on Friday evening, Hancock announced that the target had been met – with 122,000 tests recorded in the 24-hour period up to 9am local time Friday.


The health official charged with overseeing the government’s testing plan, Professor John Newton, director of health improvement for Public Health England, responded to the HSJ report by denying any change has been made to the manner of counting tests. Speaking alongside Hancock at Friday’s briefing, Newton insisted it has always been the case that tests mailed out were included in the count.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9001686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump campaign releases brutal ad exposing Dem Party's double standard on believing women


Democrats once said, 'Believe all women'


The Trump campaign released a new ad on Friday highlighting the Democratic Party's hypocrisy for pushing aside sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden.


The ad depicts how Democrats supported the woman who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, but have stayed mostly silent now that their presumptive presidential nominee is facing accusations of sexual assault.


"During Justice Kavanaugh's hearings, Biden made clear that all women should be believed when they come forward with allegations of sexual assault," Trump campaign spokeswoman Erin Perrine said in a statement.


"The double standard exhibited by Biden, prominent liberal women's groups, and Democrat elected officials – some of whom want to be Biden's running mate — is glaring and cannot be allowed to stand," she added.


Biden appeared on MSNBC Friday to address allegations of sexual assault brought by Tara Reade.


Reade claims that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 when she worked as an aide in his U.S. Senate office. Biden vigorously denied those allegations.


Meanwhile, another woman came forward on Friday claiming that Biden sexually harassed her when she was just 14 years old by complimenting the size of her breasts.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9001741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Mexico Governor Closes Roads to Coronavirus Hotspot


New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) on Friday invoked the state’s Riot Control Act, closing roads leading into Gallup, the state’s hotspot of the Chinese coronavirus.


Grisham invoked the Riot Control Act, effectively barring nonessential travel to the city as a means to slow the spread of the virus, per requests from both outgoing Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney and incoming Mayor Louis Bonaguidi:


“I recognize this request is unusual and constitutes a drastic measure, and the emergency powers set out under the Riot Control Act should be invoked sparingly,” said Bonaguidi said in a statement.


“However, the COVID-19 outbreak in the city of Gallup is a crisis of the highest order. Immediate action is necessary,” Bonaguidi added.


The order went into effect Friday, May 1, at 12 p.m and will expire Monday, May 4, at noon.


Per the press release:


Businesses in the city of Gallup will close from 5 p.m. through 8 a.m. Vehicles may only have a maximum of two individuals. Residents of the city should remain at home except for emergency outings and those essential for health, safety and welfare.


Gallup city police and McKinley County sheriff’s department will partner with New Mexico State Police and Department of Transportation to enforce the emergency order and road closures. The New Mexico National Guard will also provide support to this effort in a non-law enforcement capacity.


Anyone who fails to comply with the restrictions accompanying the Riot Control Act “is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense is guilty of a fourth-degree felony,” according to the press release.


Gallup is located in New Mexico’s McKinley County, which had 1,064 confirmed cases of the virus as of Saturday morning. The county’s cases account for nearly one-third of the state’s total positive cases.


Grisham on Friday extended the state’s stay-at-home order until Thursday, May 15, while easing restrictions on certain businesses previously deemed “nonessential.”


The state had 3,513 confirmed cases and 131 related deaths as of Saturday morning, according to the New Mexico Department of Health.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.9001780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 Houston police officer killed, 1 injured in copter crash



Houston police say an officer has died and another remains in critical condition following a helicopter crash


HOUSTON (AP) — A Houston police helicopter crashed early Saturday, killing one of the two officers on board and critically injuring the other, officials said.


A pilot and tactical flight officer were aboard a police helicopter when it crashed at an apartment complex around 2 a.m. They were flown to a hospital where the tactical flight officer died, police Chief Art Acevedo said hours after the crash during a news conference where he was joined by the city’s mayor, Sylvester Turner.


The department that the officer who died was Tactical Flight Officer Jason Knox. He is survived by a wife and two young children, who were at the hospital along with his parents and in-laws, Acevedo said at the news conference.


“Jason will be missed but we will carry him in our hearts and in our memories. We will forge ahead as a department & as an Air Unit, because Jason would demand it of us. When knocked down this man always got back up,” the chief said in a statement accompanying the release of Knox’s name.


The pilot, whose name wasn’t immediately released, underwent surgery and was “very banged up,” but police were hopeful he would survive, Acevedi said, noting that investigators still didn’t know what caused the crash.


There were no injuries to anyone on the ground at the apartment complex, a Acevedo told reporters.


The helicopter was supposed to assist with a search for bodies in a nearby bayou, which was prompted by a tip that the police chief characterized as “probably a bogus call — we don’t know.”


The officers were trapped in “mangled” wreckage before being cut out by city firefighters who worked for about an hour, Acevedo said, praising the fire department as “phenomenal.”


Acevedo identified two silver linings at the first news conference: While the wreckage was “pretty significant,” it didn’t catch fire, and the helicopter avoided striking occupied apartment buildings. It did clip the Biscayne at Cityview complex’s clubhouse, he said.


The police department is shutting down flights until it has a chance to reassess in the coming days, and will be relying on the Texas Department of Public Safety and Harris County Sheriff’s Office for flight support in the interim.


Acevedo identified the helicopter as “75 Fox.”


“It’s pretty ironic that yesterday we graduated a class and we had Fox fly out because we had COVID, so we couldn’t do your traditional graduation so we wanted to do something special,” Acevedo said. “And if somebody had told me that a few hours later that we had an aircraft down and we’d lose a really good man, I would have said ‘No way.’”


The National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Aviation Administration will investigate, Acevedo said, while the police department conducts a parallel homicide investigation.


Turner, the mayor, called on the people of the city “to continue to lift up, number one, both families, but especially lift up the family of the police officer who has died this morning. And then at the same time lift up the entire HPD family.”


Acevedo noted that shots rang out across the street from the scene at around 3 a.m. Six people were taken into custody, he said. Acevedo stressed that police had no information indicating that the helicopter might have been taken down by hostile action.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.9001866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up


The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intentionally destroyed evidence and covered up news about the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak to the “endangerment of other countries”, a leaked intelligence report has found.


The report, a product of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance of the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zeeland, found that the Chinese regime went about “disappearing” whistle-blowing doctors, censored news about the outbreak, destroyed samples of the virus in laboratories, and refused to hand over samples to international scientists, delaying the ability to manufacture a cure for the virus.


The intelligence dossier, leaked to Australia’s Saturday Telegraph, found that as early as December 31st Communist officials began censoring terms such as “Wuhan Unknown Pneumonia”, “Wuhan Seafood Market”, and “SARS variation”.


On January 1st the wet market in Wuhan was closed and disinfected with bleach, thereby eliminating the possibility of understanding the origin of an outbreak there.


Later that week the health commission in the local Hubei province ordered laboratories to stop testing for the virus, as well as calling for the destruction of any samples of the coronavirus. The following day, the National Health Commission in China ordered that all samples of the novel coronavirus either be moved to secure facilities or be destroyed while introducing a “no-publication order” about the virus.


The report chastised the communist regime for its “deadly denial of human-to-human transmission” and also took aim at the World Health Organization (WHO) for towing the CCP’s line on the virus.


“Despite evidence of human-human transmission from early December, PRC [People’s Republic of China] authorities deny it until January 20th,” the report stated.


“The World Health Organization does the same. Yet officials in Taiwan raised concerns as early as December 31st, as did experts in Hong Kong on January 4th,” the report added.


The report also confirmed that the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory had indeed been working on coronaviruses in bats, with one strain being a 96 per cent genetic match for the Covid-19 virus that has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people globally.


The government of Australia is currently placing the likelihood that the coronavirus emerged from the Wuhan lab at around 5 per cent, however, intelligence agencies in the United States consider the possibility much higher and are actively pursuing the theory, with President Donald Trump claiming that he has seen evidence that the virus originated in the Chinese laboratory.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.9001895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Far-Left Antifa Arrested for Plotting Armed Attack on French Police


French police arrested two far-left Antifa extremists who were armed with firearms and plotting an attack on police officers.


The two individuals were arrested simultaneously in the commune of Corbas and the municipality of Bourg-en-Bresse, located north-east of the city of Lyon.


The elite French police tactical unit Research, Assistance, Intervention, Deterrence (RAID) undertook the operations that led to the arrests after investigators had learnt the pair had acquired firearms to carry out an attack, LyonMag reported on Thursday. The leftists are said to have prior criminal records and to be aged around 50.


The leftist arrested in Corbas was detained alongside another man whose apartment he was living in. The latter individual was released after proving that the many weapons found in his home were purchased legally.


The alleged plot against the police comes after members of the “ACAB Collective” made death threats against police officers in December, sending letters to the personal addresses of officers.


“ACAB” — or “All Coppers Are Bastards” — has become a familiar slogan used by far-left Antifa across France, Germany, the United States, and other countries.


In November of last year, a female Antifa extremist using the name “Marie ACAB-Land” was arrested in Paris at the first anniversary of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement after it was claimed she had been spying on police officers. The 21-year-old had previously been arrested in Toulouse for documenting and photographing officers at another protest.


Attack plots against police in France by leftists are not new. An attack was foiled last year when five Antifa were arrested in August. They were allegedly plotting an attack on a hotel in Biarritz during the G7 conference, with some sources alleging they wanted to burn the hotel down with the officers inside.

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9001967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woman Living Out of Car Puts Others First, Feeds Homeless: 'Jesus Loves You'


Meet Dominick SeJohn Walton, a 27-year-old Houston woman who has been serving food to the homeless all while struggling with homelessness herself.


Walton goes back and forth between sleeping at her sister’s apartment and sleeping in her own 2010 Chevrolet Malibu, desperately trying to make ends meet.


According to Reuters, Walton ended up homeless after spiraling into a deep depression following surgery for an ectopic pregnancy.

She quit her job at a gas station and moved into her car.


Recently, Walton was hired by a nonprofit organization to distribute meals to poor families.

But Walton has taken her job a step deeper.


Walton also spends time seeking out homeless people, offering them food and encouraging them with the message of Jesus’ love.


As she passes out baloney and cheese sandwiches, cookies and applesauce, recipients can read her hand-written message on the bags of food: “God Bless. Jesus loves you. I love you!”

Anonymous ID: bf8fcd May 2, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.9002060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Citizens Try To Scrape By During Pandemic, Dem Mayor Tries 32% Property Tax Hike


Democrats never miss an opportunity to stick it to the American people with taxes — no matter the situation.

And that is precisely what the mayor of Nashville, Tennessee, proposed doing while many of his constituents are out of work.

Mayor John Cooper pushed for a 31.7 percent property tax increase and major cuts because, he said, the city is faced with “the greatest financial challenge” it has had in a lifetime, the Tennessean reported.

“This is a crisis budget,” he said as he gave a frightening outlook for the financial future of the city.

And he is correct: This is likely the “greatest financial challenge” the city has faced in modern history.

But it is also the greatest financial challenge many of his city’s residents have faced in a lifetime, and raising taxes on them to that degree is not going to help.

“Cooper’s $2.44 billion budget proposal is about $115 million more than this year’s budget,” the Tennessean reported.

“After two deals to bring in a quick influx of cash faltered last year, Nashville’s house of cards collapsed, leading to a $42 million shortfall.”

Nashville was in a financial hole before it was hit with a major storm and then the coronavirus pandemic.

City grants to nonprofits would bear the brunt of Cooper’s proposed new budget, the Tennessean reported. The mayor had ruled out cuts to cost-of-living adjustments for city employees.

“In the end, hard, hard decisions have to be made,” he said. “Everybody is sacrificing in this budget.”

But while city employees will be keeping their jobs, property-owning taxpayers will be taken to the woodshed by the proposed budget.

“It’s an insult to small businesses in Nashville that are literally at best on their knees, but most are on the ground. It’s like getting kicked in the gut with a steel-toed boot,” local restaurant owner Will Newman told WKRN-TV.

“This will absolutely crush whatever restaurants are left, crush it. Small businesses in Nashville are on life support and you know our plea now is to metro council: Do the right thing and propose an alternate budget that is balanced in its approach and not shocking to the core.”

District 19 Councilman Freddie O’Connell said he has received many calls from restaurant owners who are concerned about the proposed increase.

“Thinking about a sharp property tax increase right now is really, really troubling to me,” he said.

“A small business by sometime next year is probably going to see their rent increase as they also try and deal with an economy that’s struggling to regain its footing.”

No one who lives in a city with a Democratic mayor should ever be surprised when tax increases are proposed.

The simple solution to eliminate that issue is to stop voting for Democrats.