Anonymous ID: e4c0a5 Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here May 2, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.9002032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2063





Here some excerpts of the article for your own viewing pleasure. Please feel free to read the whole article if you find the following interesting:


Did a small scout team consisting of “Q” and his friends land on Earth during the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, then later begin broadcasting to the world? We can learn a lot from the Sutton Hall crop picture of August 17, 2017 which is now fully solved.

The extra-terrestrial man “Q” suggested in crops that he would “broadcast to the whole world” after he (supposedly) landed in August of 2017. Today more than one year later, we still do not see anyone named “Q” broadcasting, except on the “Q-anon” website! Could Q-anon be the same person as Quetzalcoatl?

Hardly any of the general public will take such concerns seriously because (1) they do not believe in UFOs or crop circles, and (2) they have no idea that the major E.T. crop artist calls himself “Q”. Nevertheless, if you the reader already know and understand points (1) and (2), then you should find this article very interesting indeed. Let us get started

’’Flying to Earth in a metaphorical “reed boat” on the day of a solar eclipse, then “broadcasting” to the whole world’’

This crop picture showed in one horizontal orientation the image of a “reed boat”, which seemed to be headed “nose-first” into the large schematic image of a “solar eclipse” (on the left). There our round Moon was passing in front of the Sun, so as to create a bright “crescent” shape: (first pic related)

Then in a vertical orientation, that Sutton Hall crop picture showed the image of a “radio broadcast tower” (on the right)

Did they plan to come down to Earth and begin broadcasting themselves? Why did they include in their field drawing the image of a solar eclipse, which would take place several days later on August 21?

We can see a similar Sumerian “reed boat” at the Concourse in Chatswood not far from here (shown in the lower centre of first pic related). It is part of elegant outdoor sculpture titled “Visiting Enki” (see That is a good clue! We seem to be on the right track, and may just have to follow this “trail of breadcrumbs” a little further.

’’Their crop-drawn “broadcast tower” pointed toward the control tower for London Southend Airport: were they coming in to land?’’

Here is another useful bit of information: the lower base of that crop-drawn “broadcast tower” pointed toward the control tower for London Southend Airport, not far away: (second pic related)

Did this mean that they were ”coming in to land”, like for an ordinary airplane at an airport? Were some of those E.T. crop artists planning to land on Earth in their metaphorical “reed boat” spaceship, then begin broadcasting somehow to the world to announce their presence?

Anonymous ID: e4c0a5 May 2, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.9002063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2079



That is a nice theory, but we can’t really know for sure what this crop picture means, until we solve a cryptic “letter-symbol” code which was drawn within 17 of 21 rectangular “boxes” from its “reed boat” motif. “Q” is the 17th letter of our alphabet, while “21” was the day of a solar eclipse

Solving this visual puzzle using scissors, paper and glue: what does it say? (third pic related)

All we have to do is to print a detailed sketch of the crop picture on a large sheet of paper, then use scissors to cut all of its 17 filled “rectangular boxes” into small, separate pieces. Next we can explore by trial-and-error, how to arrange those 17 pieces in some fashion which might yield a sensible result

Just to the right of that small capital letter “Q” (in third pic related), we can see the distinctive F/J-shaped signature of Quetzalcoatl, which has been drawn in crops many times

Just above that blue letter “Q” and the artist’s F/J-shaped signature, we can see two more “boxes” which seem to show a small “serpent” headed from left to right, with an airplane-type of “antenna” curved to the left over his “head”. Perhaps that small “serpent” still was out in space, headed to Earth on August 17, 2017?

(still third pic related)At centre right, we can see another phrase (spread over four “boxes”) which reads “E.t.a. (tick-tock)” and has been labelled in green. “E.t.a.” is an abbreviation for “Estimated time of arrival”, like for the time of an airplane or spacecraft landing. A similar phrase of “ETA” was drawn in crops near a gun-practice range at Barbury Castle on July 20, 2016

Their “tick-tock” symbol resembles a “pendulum clock” which was drawn in crops near Cherhill on April 16, 2017 (see

Finally at lower right, we can see another three rectangular “boxes”. They suggest a number “3” by means of three small white squares in the first box, followed by Morse code for a letter “I” (dot-dot) in the second box, and Morse code for a letter “K” (dash-dot-dash) in the third box. That unusual phrase of “3 IK” may refer to a certain date in the Mayan Tzolkin calendar, which took place four days later on August 21, 2017, and was the date of a total solar eclipse

’’Did Quetzal head for Earth with an E.t.a. of “3 IK” on August 21, 2017, with the plan of “broadcasting” to the whole world after he arrived?’’


On Q+

Carvings or sculptures of Quetzalcoatl as a “space traveller” from ancient Mayan times, and the image of a “plus” or “cross” shape on his aircraft

If you go to the British Museum in London, they have on display there (along with many other Mayan or Aztec artefacts) a beautiful piece of green jade, which was carved with an image of Quetzalcoatl from two-thousand years ago. We can see a photograph of this historical artwork in the upper-left-hand part of fourth pic related. Our friend Quetzal was being represented there as the “pilot” of an “aircraft” of some kind. If we look closely, we can see on the left-hand “nose” of his aircraft a small “plus” sign or “cross”, surrounded by four small circles

The mysterious “Q-anon”, who has been posting on the Internet since October 28, 2017, often signs his name as “Q+” or “Q+++”. We see now that this “+” symbol might be Christian in nature, and could have been used by Quetzalcoatl 2000 years ago.