Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.9002348   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>900152 Here is the new sealed case numbers graphic for April 166K

>>9001564 The Associated Press (AP) last year spiked exclusive story of Tara Reade alleging sexual assault by then-Sen. Biden

>>9001596 George Papadopoulos tweets

>>9001600 Fmr. Security for Rap Superstars and School Cop Charged with Raping Multiple Children

>>9001632 Multiple Instances Where Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Who Set Up Meeting with General Flynn at the White House, Lied and Lied

>>9001653 Candice Owen's and The real James Wood both suspended. TWAT

>>9001662 ‘Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target

>>9001686 Trump campaign releases brutal ad exposing Dem Party's double standard on believing women

>>9001741 New Mexico Governor Closes Roads to Coronavirus Hotspot

>>9001780 1 Houston police officer killed, 1 injured in copter crash

>>9001813 Out of Shadows translated

>>9001866 China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up

>>9001895 Far-Left Antifa Arrested for Plotting Armed Attack on French Police

>>9002014 POTUS call with Paraguay president

>>9002060 As Citizens Try To Scrape By During Pandemic, Dem Mayor Tries 32% Property Tax Hike

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.9002397   🗄️.is 🔗kun





>>9001522 Here is the new sealed case numbers graphic for April 166K

>>9001564 The Associated Press (AP) last year spiked exclusive story of Tara Reade alleging sexual assault by then-Sen. Biden

>>9001596 George Papadopoulos tweets

>>9001600 Fmr. Security for Rap Superstars and School Cop Charged with Raping Multiple Children

>>9001632 Multiple Instances Where Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Who Set Up Meeting with General Flynn at the White House, Lied and Lied

>>9001653 Candice Owen's and The real James Wood both suspended. TWAT

>>9001662 Trying every trick in the book’: UK government changes rules to hit 100k coronavirus tests target

>>9001686 Trump campaign releases brutal ad exposing Dem Party's double standard on believing women

>>9001741 New Mexico Governor Closes Roads to Coronavirus Hotspot

>>9001780 1 Houston police officer killed, 1 injured in copter crash

>>9001813 Out of Shadows translated

>>9001866 China Lied, People Died: Five Eyes Report Details CCP Coronavirus Cover-up

>>9001895 Far-Left Antifa Arrested for Plotting Armed Attack on French Police

>>9002014 POTUS call with Paraguay president

>>9002060 As Citizens Try To Scrape By During Pandemic, Dem Mayor Tries 32% Property Tax Hike


Broken link fixed

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.9002411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon’s Bezos Warns Investors, We’re Spending Entire 2nd Quarter Profit Fighting Coronavirus: ‘You May Want Take A Seat’


On Thursday evening, the world’s richest man, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, warned investors that the entire second-quarter profit the company made would be spent in various ways to fight the effects of the coronavirus in America, asserting, “If you’re a shareowner in Amazon, you may want to take a seat, because we’re not thinking small.” Bezos explained that the company would make “investments in personal protective equipment, enhanced cleaning of our facilities, less efficient process paths that better allow for effective social distancing, higher wages for hourly teams, and hundreds of millions to develop our own COVID-19 testing capabilities.”

Since the coronavirus crisis emerged as it is the go-to online delivery service, Amazon’s shares have risen 34% so far in 2020, as MarketWatch reported, but although its sales totaled $75 billion in the first quarter, its profit declined. Bezos himself has made over $24 billion since the crisis began, according to Fortune, which left his net worth at $148.6 billion, according to Forbes.

Bezos’ statement to investors read, according to MarketWatch:


From online shopping to AWS to Prime Video and Fire TV, the current crisis is demonstrating the adaptability and durability of Amazon’s business as never before, but it’s also the hardest time we’ve ever faced. We are inspired by all the essential workers we see doing their jobs—nurses and doctors, grocery store cashiers, police officers, and our own extraordinary frontline employees. the service we provide has never been more critical, and the people doing the frontline work—our employees and all the contractors throughout our supply chain—are counting on us to keep them safe as they do that work. We’re not going to let them down. Providing for customers and protecting employees as this crisis continues for more months is going to take skill, humility, invention, and money.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.9002423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are you a green square or a red one? AI detects those defying social distancing

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.9002487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554

Insane Alex Jones Rant: “I’ll BBQ your ass flat. I will eat you. I’ll drink your blood. You understand that?”

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.9002519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian State Television Pushes Conspiracy Theory Bill Gates Is Behind Coronavirus Pandemic


The conspiracy theory that Bill Gates is responsible for the coronavirus pandemic has been pushed on Russian state television, with the European Union warning that some state media outlets in Russia are trying to create confusion with bogus theories about

the virus.


The prime-time program Man and Law, which is broadcast on the country's Channel 1 network, ran a 15-minute segment in which Gates was described as a billionaire


sponsor of the World Health Organization (WHO) who sought to "reduce the population of the planet." Some 51% of Channel 1's shares are owned by representatives of the Russian state.


Radio Free Europe reported that the segment, broadcast on April 24, drew on a

number of controversial online sources including a homeopathy website, an anti-vaccination campaigner and a Canadian pro-life, site to smear Gates, who has pledged $250 million to develop a coronavirus vaccine.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9002594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2605 >>2610

The FBI Is A Cesspit Of Corruption And Should Be Abolished.


Alternatively, such horrific examples could be made of the offenders here that the Bureau will be scared straight for a generation. But I think that’s even less likely than abolishing the Bureau.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.9002696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2726 >>2758 >>2767 >>2858 >>2933 >>2969 >>3058

TYRANNY: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Extends Lockdown to JULY 6 Despite Ranking 40th on State Coronavirus List with 104 Deaths in State of 4 Million!


Several states reopened at least partially on Friday May 1st after the six-week-long Fauci lockdown.


But Democrat-led Oregon is not one of them.

Oregon, a state with 4.14 million residents did not reopen on Friday.

In fact, the liberal state is not reopening anytime soon.


Far Left Oregon Governor Kate Brown is extending the state’s lockdown until JULY 6th!


Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.9002730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2767 >>2933

Inspector General: NATO Withholding Key Information on Taliban Attacks in Afghanistan


NATO data was one of the last metrics still being publicly offered


Trying to find proper metrics to gauge the Afghan War has been a challenge for awhile now. Analysts really muddle through with publicly offered information, and even people like the US Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) struggle, with officials preferring they not be too informed on the state of affairs.


SIGAR’s latest quarterly reported revealed how tough it has been, noting that one of the last sources of data, NATO’s stats on Taliban attacks, are now being withheld both from the public and from the SIGAR office.


Instead of proper numbers, NATO simply told SIGAR that the Taliban “increased attacks against Afghan forces to levels above seasonal norms” in March. This is, to reiterate, not being backed up by any hard data.


It’s also not clear if it is true, as previous comments from Afghanistan suggested that violence was, if higher than they’d hoped after the US-Taliban peace deal, still down markedly from the situation before the peace deal.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.9002748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2764 >>2767 >>2933

Belgian Doctors Warn About “Massive and Reckless Deployment of Wireless Technologies”


Since 2017 doctors and scientists have been requesting moratoriums on 5G deployment (see 1, 2, 3). Since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals getting sick where it’s been turned on (see 1. 2, 3, 4). There are other valid reasons to NOT want 5G in addition to biological and environmental health risks. Some cities and countries have already taken action against it including banning it, passing ordinances (see 1, 2), etc. Unfortunately, many still have not including the U.S. despite opposition from the military.


From Morocco World News:


Rabat – Belgian doctors and health professionals have signed an opinion piece warning against wireless technologies during the pandemic, putting a special emphasis on 5G.


“Faced with the massive and reckless use of wireless technologies, we health professionals ask the government to apply precautionary measures to protect the population and more particularly the most vulnerable groups, including pregnant women and children.”


The 434 doctors and 900 health professionals who signed the opinion referenced how Belgian telecommunication operator Proximus launched 5G in 30 municipalities around Brussels amid the fight against COVID-19.


“This seems indecent to us at a time when the Belgians must fight together to try to overcome the human drama which concerns us all,” the opinion piece reads.


The document also complained about organizations publishing articles to defend 5G technology and claim it is not dangerous.


Numerous conspiracy theories have linked the spread of COVID-19 to 5G, causing experts to assert radio frequencies do not transmit viruses. The Belgian doctors are not arguing radio frequencies can spread the virus but that 5G carries other health risks.


Read full article


Coincidentally, since 2011 the World Health Organization has recommended that we reduce our exposure to wireless radiation – not increase it. Other health experts recommended that we do that before then.


Telecom companies have still offered NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that 5G is safe and continue to install 5G and other wireless wherever nobody is stopping them (see 1, 2, 3, 4). Tens of thousands of satellites are also being launched to blast 5G and WiFi back down at us from space (see 1, 2, 3).


Opposition continues to increase in the U.S. and worldwide because of risks to biological health (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), cybersecurity (see 1, 2), environmental health (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), privacy (see 1, 2), and more.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.9002761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alarm bells ring over controversial COVID testing


Lawmakers and public health experts are raising alarms about the widespread embrace of blood tests to gauge whether somebody was previously exposed to the coronavirus.


The blood tests have been heralded by state and federal leaders who hope these so-called antibody tests can help guide decisions about when and how to reopen the country by identifying who has been exposed to the virus and may now have immunity even if they have never been diagnosed.


But in the rush to get tests to the public quickly, there are worries that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed companies to market tests with little to no oversight, raising the potential for a surge in inaccurate results.


False positives could mislead people into thinking they have already been infected when they have not.


A debate is also being waged about whether these tests currently provide enough useful information in the fight against the pandemic.


A recent report from the House Oversight and Reform Committee found that the FDA allowed a flood of antibody tests on the market without review, resulting in hundreds of flawed tests that are still available for purchase.


The agency has verified and allowed just 10 tests under a formal emergency-use authorization (EUA), while close to 150 are being marketed directly to customers without any review.


Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.), chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy, told The Hill he thinks FDA was under enormous pressure from the White House to get as many tests on the market as possible.


Krishnamoorthi said he wants the agency to clear the market of all the unauthorized tests, but he said they have yet to do so.


“FDA is doubling down on their policies. It’s dangerous … and we’re going to regret that,” Krishnamoorthi said in a recent interview. “If you have a test kit that gives you a false positive, that person might view it as a green light to engage with other people and relax social distancing, and a consequence is they’ll get sick and get others sick.”


Kelly Wroblewski, director of infectious diseases for the Association of Public Health Laboratories, said she thinks FDA officials overcorrected after being criticized for acting too slowly with diagnostic tests, which measure whether somebody is currently infected.


Wroblewski said the FDA has largely been responsive when outside groups have pointed to fraudulent tests, but she hasn't heard from the agency about whether its review process is changing.


On April 17, the FDA told providers about concerns surrounding the antibody tests on the market, saying in a notice that it “does not review the validation, or accuracy, data for these tests unless an EUA is submitted.”


The agency also clarified that antibody tests are not meant to diagnose the disease.


The FDA said it is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health to allow test manufacturers to have their products independently assessed for accuracy.


"Performance assessments for serological tests will begin soon, and we expect to start seeing results shortly thereafter," the FDA said.


Leaders are also leaning heavily on the tests to make policy decisions when the science around coronavirus immunity is still unclear.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.9002780   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Drops the Hammer on Fauci After Disturbing White House Briefings on Doctor’s Past


Finally, President Trump is seeing the light on the real Dr. Anthony Fauci after a series of White House briefings with intelligence insiders who were critical of the embattled supposed coronavirus medical guru.


As detailed on the Thomas Paine Podcast Ep. 21, Trump has soured on Fauci after some closed door meetings at the White House this past week about allegations and questions regarding Fauci’s professional resume. Dr. Judy Mikovits’ detailed disturbing allegations against Fauci on the Thomas Paine Podcast Ep. 19. The groundswell of anti-Fauci Intel was sparked by a damning interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thomas Paine Podcast Ep. 18 that literally torched Fauci. That followed a brutally alarming podcast on Paine’s Ep. 17 that torched the CDC Director Robert Redfield and White House top doc Dr. Deborah Birx for fabricating HIV/AIDS vaccine research, according to internal DOD documents. And now the White House has been briefed as well. Paine’s newest podcast detailed the recent turn of events and since it aired this week, Fauci has been largely absent from daily White House briefings. Listen

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.9002788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Steele testifies in UK, admits to deep ties with Clinton machine (Video)


The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how dossier author Christopher Steele had undisclosed meetings with top DNC & Clinton campaign lawyer, revealing the disgraced spies ties to the Hillary Clinton machine.


Christopher Steele revealed in testimony last month, that has now been made public, that he met with two lawyers for the Democrats as part of his investigation into Donald Trump. Steele testified under oath, the he met with Perkins Coie partners Michael Sussmann and Marc Elias.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.9002813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mossad gave Berlin intel on Hezbollah ops on German soil ahead of ban — report


Unnamed Israeli official tells TV Germans were provided info on warehouses where terror group stashed materials for explosives, as well as money laundering networks


Israel’s Mossad spy agency gave information to Germany on Hezbollah’s activities on its soil ahead of the country banning the Lebanese terror group this week, Channel 12 news reported Saturday.


Germany branded the entirety of the Iranian-backed group — both the military and political wings — a “Shiite terrorist organization” on Thursday, with dozens of police and special forces storming mosques and associations across the country linked to the group.


According to the TV report, Israel carried out a months-long delicate operation to assess the group’s operations in Germany and presented its findings to German intelligence and law agencies.


Mossad reportedly gave Germany information about warehouses in the south of the country where Hezbollah stashed hundreds of kilograms of ammonium nitrate, a material used to make explosives.


Israeli intelligence was also said to have handed over details of key individuals in Hezbollah’s operations in Germany, including money networks used to launder cash and transfer millions of euros into the terror group’s bank accounts as well as to fund activities within the country.

Anonymous ID: 1e29c8 May 2, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.9002846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ford, GM Outline Path To Restart Operations


Ford Motor Co. (NYSE:F) has released an outline of its plan to restart its shuttered U.S. factories, while General Motors (NYSE:GM) has similar plans underway for its plants, according to a CNN report. Ford says it is using its experience from around the world where work has already resumed, as well as from the plants in the U.S. that have been working to make medical equipment needed in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


GM showed off its Kokomo, Indiana facility to Vice President Mike Pence yesterday, where it has been making ventilators in conjunction with Ventec Life Systems. The automakers are using the new practices as a foundation for resuming auto manufacturing at their facilities. Restart dates have not been announced, but it's been reported that both are eyeing mid-May as the potential timeframe.


Some of the practices that Ford said it has implemented globally include "health assessment measures, personal protective equipment and facility modifications to increase social distancing." Ford Chief Operating Officer Jim Farley said that the global experience where plants have been operating for both auto and medical device work has shown it can safely manufacture with employees wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks and face shields, as well as maintaining a minimum of six-foot spacing between employees "wherever possible."


Ford also said it was collaborating with unions, including the UAW, "on initiatives to keep people safe, including completing daily health self-certifications, scanning temperatures and more."