Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.9003002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3706

Aldous Huxley in 1958 – Pharmacology and Propaganda Will Make The Masses Love Their Slavery


As the world is forced into accepting greater and greater levels of government control in all areas of life, remember that nothing in politics happens by chance. There is a science to creating empires. Tomes have been written on the techniques of controlling masses of people.


Three important axioms stand out: people are much easier to control when they love their slavery, people in fear are very easy to control, and individualism is dangerous to the state.


During a prophetic interview with journalist Bill Wallace in 1958, Aldous Huxley commented on what he foresaw as a potential future for the United States and the world.


Huxley’s classic dystopian novel, Brave New World, was written almost 90 years ago in 1931, prior to World War II, and his insight is still highly relevant today. We are seeing in real-time the emergence of a global, technocratic super state, of which pharmaceutical companies play a critically important role, and terrorism is always a lurking background threat.


Huxley, as introduced by Wallace:


A man haunted by a vision of hell on earth. A searing social critic, Mr. Huxley 27 years ago wrote Brave New World, a novel that predicted that someday the entire world would live under a frightful dictatorship. Today Mr. Huxley says that his fictional world of horror is probably just around the corner for all of us. ~Mike Wallace (1958)


If Huxley was able to see all of this coming almost 90 years ago and describe it so well in Brave New World, what are we missing?


He was able to make these predictions because he understood that mass control is the most studied science of the world’s wealthiest and powerful people. He also understood human nature and the nature of government.


…obviously the passion for power is one of the most moving passions that exists in man; and after all, all democracies are based on the proposition that power is very dangerous and that it is extremely important not to let any one man or any one small group have too much power for too long a time.


After all what are the British and American Constitution except devices for limiting power, and all these new devices are extremely efficient instruments for the imposition of power by small groups over larger masses. ~Aldous Huxley


Today, over 40 million Americans regularly take antidepressants, a testament to the omnipresence of the pharmacological state. Huxley foresaw this being a critical tenet of control, for people need to love their slavery, and new drugs can really help with that.


To Wallace, he states:


In this book of mine, Brave New World, I postulated a substance called Soma, which was a very versatile drug. It would make people feel happy in small doses, it would make them see visions in medium doses, and it would send them to sleep in large doses.


…this is the pharmacological revolution which is taking place, that we have now powerful mind-changing drugs, which physiologically speaking are almost costless.


…if you want to preserve your power indefinitely, you have to get the consent of the ruled, and this they will do partly by drugs as I foresaw in Brave New World… ~Aldous Huxley


Furthermore, he spoke about the need to disrupt the natural thought process of human beings, accessing their subconscious minds, so that their emotions instead of logic will lead them. Huxley foresaw advanced forms of propaganda being used to hack the mind’s of the masses.


[They will do it]… partly by these new techniques of propaganda.


They will do it by bypassing the sort of rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions, and his physiology even, and so, making him actually love his slavery.


I mean, I think, this is the danger that actually people may be, in some ways, happy under the new regime, but that they will be happy in situations where they oughtn’t to be happy.


…We know, there is enough evidence now for us to be able, on the basis of this evidence and using certain amount of creative imagination, to foresee the kind of uses which could be made by people of bad will with these things and to attempt to forestall this… ~Aldous Huxley


With the state of national media and the clear biases they project onto the population, it’s hard to imagine a more propagandized environment in America; however, the rise of internet censorship foreshadows an even darker future for free thought and free speech.


Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is emerging all around us. Are you paying attention?

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.9003007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3361 >>3533 >>3635 >>3706

UKC News: What’s Really Behind COVID-19 Lockdowns?


The data and numbers are now pouring in and it’s looking increasingly harder for leading lockdown governments to maintain their official narratives. While the rest of the world are approaching normal, the UK and US continue to report shocking casualty numbers, now the most in Europe and globally, respectively. What is driving these unlikely trends? All this and more.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.9003015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241 >>3372



What we think we get WE GET!


But if they (Cabal) can keep you distracted and thinking of other things they can shape

everyone's reality away from what really matters.


The Cabal has used hidden knowledge to shape their EVIL plans.

Using their MSM to project their desired reality into the minds of the public

They have been able to use our collective power to create their world, this is why they use

think tanks and secret societies to shape reality for the masses. Wars, famine and disaster

to keep you in fear, one crisis after another.


Corona Virus is the next installment to drive panic, anxiety and primal fear, once

triggered these emotions over power rational thought in the sedated mind. You

become vulnerable and open to suggestion and herd mentality when in this state.

Eager to hand over your rights to the very people creating the crisis in the hope they

will somehow make you safe. RATIONAL THOUGHT IS LOST.


The issues they create exist in your mind planted there over the airways, whether it be

social media TV radio what ever flavor. We ignore the reality we see in real life choosing

to believe the information fed to us.


It is time to wake up and start using your own discernment.


We are the faithful servants of the most high here to guide humanity through their ascension from a world ruled by darkness, greed, centralized control and PURE EVIL into the world of love, light and righteousness.


It is time for each individual to make a personal connection with the most high, do it privately

ask for forgiveness first and then seek good things for those you care about. Pray for each

other. Doing so you join the body of Christ and together we will all be successful. This is the way the life and the truth.


Jesus Loves (You)



Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.9003030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3043 >>3057 >>3361 >>3533 >>3635 >>3706 >>3750

Homeland security scientist confirms that natural sunlight kills coronavirus


The best and simplest cure for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) might just be going outside, as natural sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) rays that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) science and technology advisor William Bryan says easily destroy viruses.


During a recent press briefing at the White House, Bryan explained how UV rays from the sun are powerfully antagonistic against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), inhibiting its ability to survive, let alone take hold and spread.


A study that looked at the three different types of UV light given off by the sun – A, B, and C rays – found that UVC in particular destroys certain types of genetic material in humans, including viral particles. Based on this, the study found that UVC light can effectively inactivate microbes like the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).


“Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both on surfaces and in the air,” Bryan is quoted as saying about the study’s findings.


“We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus,” he added.


In an ordinary 70-75 degree (Fahrenheit) environment with 20 percent humidity on a non-porous surface, the half-life for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is about 18 hours. Increasing the humidity to 80 percent, however, decreases that half-life to six hours, while adding natural sunlight into the mix decreases it to just two minutes.


This would all suggest that simply being in the sun more can help to reduce the risk of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and transmission, as viruses simply cannot coexist with natural sunlight.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.9003037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thousands of ineligible foreign workers — some no longer in the US — have gotten coronavirus stimulus checks


Thousands of foreign workers, many of whom don't even live in the United States anymore, received the coronavirus economic stimulus payments from the federal government this month even though they were not technically eligible, Politico reported.


Temporary foreign workers, such as students on F-1 or J-1 visas, may have received the payments due to an error in how they filed their taxes — an error the Internal Revenue Service apparently did not catch in its rush to get stimulus payments out to American individuals and families.


The incorrect payments were likely distributed to thousands of foreigners in April, said Donna Kepley, president of the tax firm Arctic International who has spoken with dozens of clients over the past two weeks. The error stems from a common tax-filing blunder, particularly for those on F-1 student and J-1 exchange visas. These workers, studying at universities and working summer jobs, often turn to TurboTax and other e-filing systems without knowing that the systems are designed only for U.S. residents.


As a result, many temporary foreign workers each year file the wrong tax forms. The IRS rarely catches the error because nonimmigrant workers' Social Security numbers have the same number of digits as those of U.S. citizens, and therefore appear to be identical, accountants say.


Some who received mistaken payments have tried without success to contact the IRS about what to do, because they don't want to face consequences down the road for accepting money they should not have. Some fear they could be banned from getting a visa or deported if they don't return the money.


This isn't the first error involving the stimulus payments. There have been reports of numerous dead people getting stimulus checks, because they are sent out based on 2018 tax filings if a person or family hasn't yet filed for 2019.


Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has urged relatives to return payments sent to deceased loved ones.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:41 p.m. No.9003051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Afghan Authorities Release at Least 100 Taliban Members From Prison in Kabul


Afghan authorities have released at least 100 members of the Taliban movement from prison in Kabul, the TOLOnews reported on Saturday, citing a source.


According to the media outlet, the prisoners were released from the Pole Charkhi prison on Saturday evening.


"The prisoner release is a complicated process that is going forward based on the presidential decree… 950 other prisoners will be released so that we can fight the coronavirus and move the peace process forward," Javid Faisal, a spokesman for the National Security Council, was quoted as saying by the broadcaster.


The Taliban are demanding that the Afghan authorities release 5,000 prisoners on the basis of an agreement with the United States. The Afghan government agreed to gradually release 1,500 prisoners.


The agreement was intended to pave the way for the withdrawal of US and NATO troops from the country within 14 months and the beginning of intra-Afghan talks between the militant group and the government. These talks were initially scheduled to commence on March 10 but have been delayed due to Afghanistan’s electoral crisis and mutual disagreements over the release of prisoners.


The Afghan government has accused the Taliban of releasing civilians as part of the exchange, rather than military personnel who were named on lists submitted to the militant group.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:43 p.m. No.9003063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

High Court to rule if PM can form next gov't in live televised hearings


On Thursday, Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit green-lighted Netanyahu despite significant misgivings regarding the bribery indictment pending against him.


The High Court of Justice will hold hearings on Sunday and Monday on whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can form the next government and whether other controversial aspects of the Blue and White-Likud coalition deal are constitutional.


On Thursday, Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit green-lighted Netanyahu despite significant misgivings regarding the bribery indictment pending against him.

Mandelblit also said that despite major legal problems with other controversial aspects of the Likud-Blue and White coalition deal, the High Court of Justice should let the new government form and only later probe specifics, if concrete problems present themselves.


The maximum expanded 11-panel bench of the High Court led by Chief Justice Esther Hayut will make the final decision later this week following the live televised hearings. It is expected the decision will come down before the May 7 deadline to form a government.

The bottom line is that Mandelblit has plowed the way forward for the two parties to form the next government with Netanyahu as prime minister and Gantz as vice-prime minister.

Effectively, he is stamping out opposition from Yesh Atid and other opposition factions, even as numerous comments in his legal brief made it clear he was holding his nose about large aspects of the coalition deal.


Mandelblit’s opinion to the High Court comes after Blue and White itself called on the court earlier this week to let Netanyahu remain as prime minister due to the coronavirus crisis and to avoid unprecedented fourth elections.

Likewise, President Reuven Rivlin requested that the High Court reject the petitions against Netanyahu and the coalition deal and not try to drag his office into the issue since the prime minister has the support of the majority of the Knesset.


Netanyahu told Likud ministers and MKs that the High Court intervening and preventing him from forming a government was “delusional, unimaginable and would lead to additional elections.” Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar accused the court of being “drunk with power.”


On Saturday night, Likud and Blue and White issued a joint statement saying that Netanyhau and Gantz had spoken on Friday regarding the coronavirus crisis, and the efforts to gradually return the country to a more normal routine.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:47 p.m. No.9003096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3135 >>3138 >>3272 >>3706

Biden-Supporting NH State Rep Resigns After Questioning Reade Story by Theorizing About ‘Position of Female Vagina’


An African refugee-turned-New Hampshire state representative and Joe Biden supporter resigned after criticizing Tara Reade and casting doubt on her sexual assault claims against the Democrat frontrunner.


Former state Rep. Richard Komi (D-Manchester) posted, then deleted, the following Friday on Twitter:


“Judging by the position of the female vagina, it will not be easy for anyone to just put their finger into the vagina unless their [sic] is some Cooperation [sic] from the female herself,” Komi theorized.


“That is why I believe Tara Reade’s allegations is [sic] false. She is looking for attention.”


Komi posted numerous photos of himself with Biden and Biden’s wife, Jill.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.9003106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harvard Gave Jeffrey Epstein His Own Office on Campus



A new report published this week details the extensive ties between Harvard University and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who mysteriously died in a Manhattan prison last fall. Harvard reportedly gave Epstein his own office on campus in exchange for almost $10 million in donations he gifted to the university between 1998 and 2007.


According to a report by the Boston Globe, Harvard University gave Jeffrey Epstein an office on campus that he continued to visit after he was convicted of underage sex crimes in 2008. In fact, Epstein reportedly visited the campus more than 40 times after been released from jail in 2010. The office was reportedly equipped with Epstein’s personal keepsakes and a dedicated Harvard phone line.


Breitbart News reported in September 2019 that Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow said that the Ivy League institution feels “regret” accepting nearly $10 million in gifts from Jeffrey Epstein. The university blocked Epstein from donating in 2008 when Epstein was convicted on child sex charges.


However, individual professors at Harvard continued to solicit private donations from Epstein after 2008. Martin Nowak, Director of Harvard’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, used a $6.5 million donation from Epstein in 2003 to establish the program. Nowak reportedly rewarded Epstein with private office space on campus for his donation.


The controversy surrounding Epstein forced Bacow to address these private gifts in a letter to the Harvard community. “The report issued today describes principled decision-making but also reveals institutional and individual shortcomings that must be addressed — not only for the sake of the University but also in recognition of the courageous individuals who sought to bring Epstein to justice,” Bacow wrote.


Harvard announced on Friday that Nowak has been placed on paid administrative leave for a potential violation of the university’s grant funding policies.


Claudine Gay, Harvard’s dean of the faculty of arts and sciences, argued that faculty at elite universities should be held to a high moral standard. “We are reminded on a near daily basis what a privilege it is to be a member of this academic community,” Gay wrote. “With that privilege comes a responsibility to hold one another accountable and to make sure, as an institution, we align our practices with the highest ethical standards.”


Breitbart News reported in September 2019 that the Director of MIT’s Media Lab was forced to step down over his ties to Epstein. The decision came after the New Yorker published a report revealing Epstein’s extensive financial ties to the MIT program.


Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.9003111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3123 >>3706

Ala. Sec of State Merrill: Vote-by-Mail ‘Not Something We Need to Consider Right Now’


In an interview with Huntsville, AL radio’s WVNN that aired Friday, Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill dismissed the suggestion of implementing vote-by-mail elections on a broad scale, and especially in his home state.


Merrill explained that for vote-by-mail as the predominant voting method to be successful requires states to already have at least 60% of its voting by mail, which is the case only in a handful of states.


“Oh friend, I have a lot of thoughts about that, and I will tell you this — there are some things I think that need to be known by your listeners that I think are so very important,” he said. “First and foremost, there are five states in the union that use vote-by-mail as the predominant method for having voting in their state. Those states are Hawaii, Utah — but the experts in the field are Oregon, Colorado and Washington State. Now if you talk to experts, those states that have been doing this a while, especially those states I just mentioned — Oregon, Washington and Colorado — they will tell you that unless your state is already doing 60% of its voting by mail, primarily through the absentee process, you should not consider adopting vote-by-mail as the primary preference choice for your voters in your state.”


“If you do elect to pursue that, it takes about five years to have it implemented and to put you in a strong position to be able to know when you’re going to do it, you’re going to do it without any kind of interruption for the voter or for those election administrators,” Merrill added.


According to Merrill, his state of Alabama was at 4%, and neighboring Tennessee was at 2%, adding that other states were comparable with Alabama.


“I think it is important to know that this is not something we need to consider right now,” Merrill said. “What we’re doing is we’re promoting the efforts we already have in place and making this easy for people to participate.”

Merrill says automatic receipt of ballots could be a violation of law in states like Alabama where voter ID laws are in place.


“One of the things that has become evident to [my staff] in their research is you cannot regulate the photo ID component if everyone is receiving a ballot automatically,” he said. “Now our law, which we just passed last year, requires anyone that participates in the vote-by-mail law through absentee participation has to return a copy of their valid photo ID in the application to receive the absentee ballot.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.9003124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3361 >>3533 >>3635 >>3706

Here Are The Key Findings From The Bombshell Government Dossier On China's Bat Virus Program


A leaked dossier compiled by Western intelligence agencies concludes that China lied and deliberately suppressed or destroyed evidence during the crucial early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, and notes that Chinese researchers have been experimenting with - and creating - deadly bat coronaviruses.


Here are key findings from the 15-page report compiled by Western governments known as the 'Five Eyes,' according to Australia's Daily Telegraph.


The great coverup


A key theme of the dossier is that China's negligence and lies resulted in the "endangerment of other countries," as the CCP silenced or 'disappeared' doctors who spoke out.


Doctors who bravely spoke out about the new virus were detained and condemned. Their detentions were splashed across the Chinese-state media with a call from Wuhan Police for “all citizens to not fabricate rumours, not spread rumours, not believe rumours.”


A tweet from the Global Times on January 2 states: “Police in Central China’s Wuhan arrested 8 people spreading rumours about local outbreak of unidentifiable #pneumonia. Previous online posts said it was SARS.” This had the intended effect of silencing other doctors who may have been inclined to speak out. -Daily Telegraph


Furthermore, evidence was destroyed, and China refused to provide live samples to international scientists working on a vaccine.


The paper obtained by The Saturday Telegraph speaks about “the suppression and destruction of evidence” and points to “virus samples ordered destroyed at genomics labs, wildlife market stalls bleached, the genome sequence not shared publicly, the Shanghai lab closure for ‘rectification’, academic articles subjected to prior review by the Ministry of Science and Technology and data on asymptomatic ‘silent carriers’ kept secret”. -Daily Telegraph


China's deadly denials


The dossier slams China's constant lies about the virus, noting that "Despite evidence of human-human transmission from early December, PRC authorities deny it until January 20," adding "The World Health Organisation does the same. Yet officials in Taiwan raised concerns as early as December 31, as did experts in Hong Kong on January 4."


China also imposed internal travel bans while condemning the rest of the world for wanting to do the same.


"Millions of people leave Wuhan after the outbreak and before Beijing locks down the city on January 23," reads the dossier. "Thousands fly overseas. Throughout February, Beijing presses the US, Italy, India, Australia, Southeast Asian neighbours and others not to protect themselves via travel restrictions, even as the PRC imposes severe restrictions at home."


The dossier also notes that China successfully pressured the EU to strike language about PRC disinformation, and has threatened Australia for continuing to investigate.


"As Australia calls for an independent inquiry into the pandemic, PRC threatens to cut off trade with Australia. PRC has likewise responded furiously to US calls for transparency."




While the leaked dossier does not reach a conclusion whether COVID-19 is of natural origin or engineered, it includes a February 6 study from the South China University of Technology which suggested "the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.


The paper was withdrawn due to what its lead author said was a lack of direct evidence, however the dossier notes that scholar Yanzhong Huang said on March 5 "No scientists have confirmed or refuted the paper's findings."


That said, the Telegraph notes that the official US position is that the virus was not engineered, but that it escaped from either the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the Chinese CDC, which is located roughly 900 feet from the Wuhan wet market from which a cluster of early cases emerged.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.9003140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3361 >>3533 >>3635 >>3706

NYPD Dispatches 1,000 Cops To Stop New Yorkers From Barbecuing On Saturday


As shell-shocked New Yorkers venture outside to try and enjoy a little time in the sun, the NYPD is dispatching 1,000 officers whose sole responsibility on Saturday will be enforcing the city's social-distancing rules, even as surveillance data released by the governor on Saturday suggested that 1/5th of New Yorkers have already been exposed and developed antibodies.


The move comes after Mayor de Blasio threatened to sic the NYPD on ultra-orthodox Jews in Williamsburg, who gathered for the funeral of a rabbi late last month. De Blasio was slammed by community advocates for what they said was unfair targeting of the Jews.


And how to we solve issues of alleged discrimination in 21st Century America? That's right - we ensure the entire population is subjected to that same discriminatory behavior, however ridiculous that might be.


NYPD officers - many of whom have already contracted the virus themselves - have the power to issue summonses and even make arrests if they encounter individuals who flagrantly or repeatedly flout the social distancing rules.


"This is the nicest weather we've seen this year; we encourage people to come out and enjoy this weather," Terence Monahan, Chief of Department for the New York Police Department, told NBC News. But "You cannot gather; you cannot barbecue. We're going to give you a summons. There's been enough warnings."


Monahan said the NYPD would have bike teams and mounted units on horseback throughout the parks, as well as aviation units working to spot "problem areas" (i.e. the Jews in Brooklyn and New Yorkers across the 5 boroughs who rush to gather an impromptu barbecue on a nice day).


Officers won't issue summonses to those who aren't wearing masks; instead, they will carry packs of clothe masks to distribute.


Monahan said he hopes his officers won't need to issue summonses, but the NYPD has encountered no shortage of stubborn noncompliant individuals.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:55 p.m. No.9003173   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prominent Ahrar Al-Sham Field Commander Killed In Southern Idlib


On May 2, a prominent field commander of the Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sham Movement was killed in a landmine explosion in the southern Idlib countryside.


The commander, known as “Abu ‘Arib,” was reportedly on a reconnaissance mission when he entered a minefield set by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The commander immediately died after stepping on an anti-personnel mine.


According to sources in Ahrar al-Sham, Abu ‘Arib was one of the field commanders leading the battle against the army in northern Lattakia over the last year.


A few hours after the death of Abu ‘Arib, the SAA artillery pounded militants’ positions in the town of Sufuhon, Fatterah and Fleifel. The army targeted the same region a day earlier.


The death of Abu ‘Arib confirms that Greater Idlib militants are still preparing to carry out new attacks. The SAA, which is now targeted the region again, appears to be well-aware of this growing threat.


Any large attack on the SAA may lead to the collapse of the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, that was brokered by Russia and Turkey on March 5.

Anonymous ID: 60fae5 May 2, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.9003205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3260

ISIS Launches Coordinated, Large-Scale Attack On PMU Positions in Iraq’s Saladin (Video)


Early on May 2, ISIS cells carried out a coordinated, large-scale attack on positions of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in the northern Iraqi province of Saladin.


The attack targeted a newly-established position of the PMU near the town of Mukeshefah and another position in the town of Balad.


PMU fighters showed fierce resistance in the course of the clashes. In spite of this, ISIS terrorists overrun the position in Mukeshefah.


“PMU forces killed and injured a number of ISIS terrorists while repelling the attack, they also surrounded the targeted areas to track the criminal gangs of ISIS, after the arrival of aerial and ground reinforcements,” the PMU’s report said.


The PMU acknowledged that ten of its fighters were killed during the attack. Nine from the Tigris Regiment were killed in Mukeshefah and a fighter from the 41th Brigade was killed in the attack on Balad.


Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, a spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Operations, said the attack on Mukeshefah was carried out by a group of ISIS terrorists who recently fled from nearby Matabija. The group carried out the attack in cooperation with local cells in Mukeshefah.


ISIS has not yet commented on the attack. The group’s agency, Amaq, usually releases details on such large operations within 24 hours.


This was one of ISIS’ largest attacks since its defeat in Iraq in 2017. The attack proves that the group’s influence is still growing in the war-torn country, in spite of the continues efforts by Iraqi government forces.