Anonymous ID: 050c92 May 2, 2020, 5:03 p.m. No.9005200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5262

Hey anons, just wanted to echo something Q has talked about. Specifically that we should pray.


In orthodox Christian theology, it is well understood that we can pray for others to receive the grace of God. That we can pray for God to intercede in the life of someone to give them the grace they need to see Him clearly. I think it would be awesome if all Christians prayed that prayer every night before bed.


If we did, I think God would not be blind to our cries. I think God would help us during these incredibly precarious times. Help give the righteous people (of every group, whether they be politicians or slaves, friends or enemies, with God or without God) of the world the grace of seeing Him. For the more we prayed, the less we could not help but to share the good news. The more we shared the good news, the more people who would see. And just by sheer force of will, we could change the world. We could do our job, now that Q has done His.


Justice will be served anons. You just have to believe. And when you don't believe? And you are scared of the future? Let it be known to God only. It helps me to pray ("to pray" means "to ask", it's not worship, it's asking for help understanding the message of Jesus like I'd ask my parents for help understanding a passage, it's not worship) to Our Lady of Sorrows, whose prayers (even if just read as an interesting book) provide incredible insight into how we all can change the world if we want to. There are enough of us. We can not help but win.


God bless you all anons. May God send Saint Michael the Archangel to slay any demons or spirits who have ensnared you on your journey. May God send Saint Michael to show you the glory of God.


I love you all. Even you shills.


Watch the water anons. We're not droplets in the ocean. Song related.

Anonymous ID: 050c92 May 2, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.9005315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5327


o7 anon.


>Beloved Mother, teach us to accept all our sufferings because of our sins and to atone for the sins of the whole world.


Exactly the thing I'd ask my mom to help me with. Then she'd smack me and make sure I did!