Anonymous ID: 5243c8 May 2, 2020, 4:04 p.m. No.9004683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Single-nucleotide polymorphism


Did you know that there are 38 million of these SNPs in human DNA?


Did you know that DNA is a chain of nucleotides all tightly wound together?


The 2nd image shows the DNA wound around histone spool molecules and the 3rd image shows how this wound up DNA is then wound even tighter into coils and super coils that kink into the X shape of most chromosomes.


Think about it.

Do you think it is possible

That Trump was speaking to Autists

Suggesting that we should dig into SNPs and Korea?

I've only just begun but I already learned that people in central Japan share the same SNP clusters as Koreans have.

SNPs and SNP clusters can be used to identify broad relationships

Of groups of people

And maybe even single individuals.

Think about it

And do some digging of your own.


Just sticking with Koreans,

We more or less know that many Japanese descend from Koreans

Since the emperor stated publicly that one of his ancestors

Married an imperial Korean princess.

What about the people in North Korea?

Or the 1 million or so ethnic Koreans that live in the Russian Federation?

Where do Korean-Americans really originate from?

How closely related are Koreans to Northeast Siberians

And to the Innuit of North America?

And the Dene peoples of North America including the Navajo?

SNPs may tell us more about who we are

Than mtDNA and Y haplogroups.

Anonymous ID: 5243c8 May 2, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.9005290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

He was taking a quiet vacation

In order to smoke out the remaining sleepers in North Korea.

In other words, just like Trump

He set a trap!!!