Anonymous ID: b3ff27 May 2, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.9004603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4658

Yes, SIR.


Love u droppin that Insurgency Doc./"whole of gov"/"whole of society/nation" PDF again. Made my day, u know why.

Have printed a copy and keep it on desk, refer to it as an operating manual-

I rec same for all Anons: print the PDF Q has now twice provided,

& read as if Life depends on mastery of content…

(ie.,more than once, w focus, creative mind active, apply how?)

Replacing 'Invasion' with 'Infiltration', important;

also seem apropos, for our particular scenario:

that 'country' could in many instances be replaced with 'county'.


Major concern is that (poorer) Patriots outside of official formations, though perhaps spiritually, physically and intellectually ready for best actions, may find it difficult to choose said best course of action, on the ground, and/or compete financially with the Enemy [Chicom/DerpSt/Dem] tentacles in certain regions.


We want to do more, whatever it takes, in many cases, to take back our country,

but perhaps for our own limitations (time,funds)/other constraints, or merely our position on the chessboard, may feel somewhat limited in ability to do as much as we could, might, or would otherwise like to…


Those holding political power in regions are often those w financial power. How can anons, especially those w minimal funding, best compete w Billion$ CHlC0M/Dem/DerpSt/SatanoGlobalist scams per certain regions, prior to the necessary legal actions which would (ideally) disrupt and at least (begin to) level the playing field?


CHlC0MS use $$$$$ to buy favor of these corrupt political powers.

In turning them (CH1C0MS) out, wld Patriotanons not be exposed/&opposed by those who profit directly/indirectly from the CHlC0M infiltration? This is a certain crux I(we) must think about very carefully, for as PDF illustrates: winning genuine favor(equal or better financial situ,etc) of the public/native population is necessary for long term success of the requisite (ESSENTIAL) CCParasite/CABAL-purge….


In some areas, the treasonous subversive domestic insurgency [D Party con] has already progressed so far along & become so deeply entrenched/well financed in ‘the host’ ]USA[

that taking back our Nation from [Enemy Combatants] might even appear at first as an insurgency itself. ‘Optics are important.’ And we must remember, the hosts ]We,thePeople[ have every Right, and Duty, to DESTROY THE CRIMINAL PARASITES, foreign & domestic- legally. Etc. (Lawfare ideally in the place of costly direct Warfare)


Wld be running dr0ne ops & convert entire base to 1 of PI/NatSec work if able, or whatever was deemed most effective, most essential; even just creating Patriotic ecovillages, taking back our countryside, with legal idustrial Hemp farms to both produce high quality USA-industrial product, but also to pollinate/sabotage massive criminal grows, etc,etc,etc.


&I suspect many an0ns might equally consider the same… if able and/or the right circumstances presented themselves


Specifically where Insurgency PDF mentions “charismatic leaders”, I am reminded of how Gavin Newsom[D] just signed a secretive [treacherous] $1Billion with [CHINA] auto company for N95 facemasks… is this 5D chess/trap? or overt ‘comfort and aid to the enemy’?


Is Gavin one of their ‘charismatic leaders’? Who else are the top traitors? We all know Feinstein, entire DParty, and I remember too, how many celebrities and CEOs, CNN [China News Network], including Tom Hanks on SNL in ‘16… have been cheerleading for CHlNA (and against USA) for years. Who in the business/corporate community most treacherous? Walmart+CHINA longstanding America-devastating relationship… HRC was on Board of Dirs…


IMHO Public must be made fully aware of our current state of ‘Soft/Legal’War with China.

I know many on both L and R who despise China for numerous differing reasons, but very few (almost none) have the full picture, or any clue how extremely dire the situation actually is.


Will meditate upon how to do more. Thank you for everything. Humbly we bow to thee. SALUTE!

This is everything, we know it, we feel it.







PS rainbow came out with my Flag rippling in the wind yesterday