Q graphics of the day
>Know your Enemy
does this mean here on kun as well as oustside, offensive and defensive skill?
is there a cointel angle for visits?
is board under a moar sophisticated attack than what we are accustomed to?
thus the training to recognize such tactics that we may have been unaware of prior?
just a thought.
ty fren
>For Truths have only 1 Answer.
>Lies can endless number of lies as an answer to any question.
perhaps that is why the enemy creates a completely different reality?
a perpetual reality that over time and after compounding lie upon lie, truth is fully obscured by a literal stage production same as a sitcom alla ctors and actresses playing a game of virtual reality they create together.
i am sure he is playing along like he did with CV, as Q pointed out.
they want him to oppose vaccines, they created a narrative already on anti-vaxxers, again anons, sm patriots, and the few we have in the msm need to boomerang the vax topic, potus cannot know without falling in to their trap.
the worst is we have to fund their stuff now, but hopefully with audits and new measures of accountability.
we have to work to legitimitize vax safety as a topic to be discussed. they got away with their vax programs because of psyops and countering and smearing opponets, as well as 187's to scores of scientists and docs who were against them.
we need to use our channels and work on the vaccines and voter fraud stuff, potus will listen and is waiting for people to legitimately question things so he can have support.
be loud, be heard!
together you are invincible.