Anonymous ID: 8d6224 May 2, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.9005788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


& what about alternative learning centers?

As the modern college system, particular the lib arts, but sadly almost all major universities, are corrupt af, some number of patriots should already be envisioning potential replacements for these leftist politcial indoctrination mills as well.


The Praxis Program and various Apprenticeships are a good/great start to alternative learning/career preparation. But also we must remember that, prior to cultural-marxist infiltration and subversion(destruction) of American Academia, the universities, particularly the Ivy Leagues, but many others, were incredible (& at first, largely Protestant founded) centers of incredible learning, innovation, connectivity, and continually produced amazing graduates, and works, for the American Family(and World) as a whole. For generations…They were also often places of Spiritual cultivation. This is important.


FLOTUS saw many of the great attributes of certain schools in India, where objectivity, as well as healthy body, and Spirit, (happiness,peace of mind, always taken as significant to the process of learning)+fresh air, etc… remain a larger part of the curriculum, even in the youngest grade-sets. The existing US universities must (eventually, either gradually, or swiftly via legal actions?) be reconciled/purged of overt corruption/anti-American sentiment/infiltration. Obviously the beautiful campuses do not need to be destroyed. But also, new institutions, perhaps humble in their beginnings, and founded solidly upon the timeless traditions of real logic, objectivity, the classics, and both Spiritual and Physical health of students, should be created. What an exciting infrastructure project!


Lots of outdoor space, active gardens, small business opportunities, small class sizes, affordable tuition, Patriotic sentiment, green-building practices, extreme focus on cutting edge innovation and integrity in all fields of study; an admixture of the best of the new(what is yet to come) with the best of the timeless/classic education-holistic, which we have sadly fallen so far away from. on the move,must run,jus spitballin rn,plz lend thought to this anons. just another piece in the great American Puzzle Bless you! LOVE YOU