Anonymous ID: 29edb2 May 2, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.9006249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6802

>>9006137 (pb)


How many of those 26-million voted democrat in 2018 and for Hillary in 2016? You want to talk about a ballot harvest….and they will not be voting for their incumbent governors either. This "fella" here is what the average Lib will look like when the national popular vote goes red and all those stupid states that signed that legislation will have to throw their electoral votes to Trump. Heads will explode.

Anonymous ID: 29edb2 May 2, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.9006577   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Steve Vai talking about his audition with Frank:


"So I was in that mode of being very hungry to rehearse and to learn, and that's really what you needed in a situation with Frank. Because with Frank you have to be onI mean, it's a big boy's gamewhen Frank walks in, you just have to be on.


I remember my audition because he asked me to come down and learn all these songsand obviously when I got there we didn't play any of the songs that he told me to learn, but I got throughbut then he says to me, "Okay, play this," and he picks up his guitar and kind of cryptically plays a line–because Frank had a particular style and it wasn't of the virtuoso-type nature, you know what I mean? It was more visceral.


So he plays through something and says, "Now play it at this tempo," and snaps his fingers. And I'm watching closely because you got to get it right like that or you're out of there, and I say "Okay" and play itand there's all these guys around and everything, and I'm 20 years old, and he says, "Now add this note here," and he plays a note, so I say "Okay" and I thought about it and I add the note, and he says "Now play it in 7/8," so I say "Okay" and play it in 7/8, and he says, "Now play it in 7/8 reggae," and I thought for a minute and I say "Okay" and I play it in 7/8 reggae! And it's this ridiculous line that should never be played on a guitar, and then he goes, "Now add this note," and he plays a note, and I thought for a minute and I look up at him and say, "It's impossible"because it was! Nobody could do it, you know? And he puts his hands on his hips and goes, "Well, I hear Linda Ronstadt is looking for a guitar player…."

Anonymous ID: 29edb2 May 2, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.9006798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6818


not hate ; same feelz of you busting in the clubhouse….like a brady bunch episode…albeit the ultimate goal of this particular board, with the stress test, etc was this whether anyone wants to admit that ;