trip dubs!!!
as requested
gigga stopped. humanity thanks those quads!!!
2 Trillion ain't what it used to be!!!
3 times a week 5 oz raw beef is fine. more health problems from excessive complex carbs and not enough simple carbs. keep in mind i just ate a bag of funions and ice cream and 6 pieces of pizza.
flank is noce, but rib eye numero uno!!!
wtf is that great!!! my table is bouncing from laughing!!!
some on here call him a PAYtriot.
he helped many find the way hereโฆ..but how many actually humans is his %? when 500 of 751 posts are shills and mossad bots?
I think rick astley and caturdays red pilled way more then PM.
i have been think for the last 2 hours about meddling some sugar and fresh lemon and adding some sodawater and a shot of vodka to it.
i wonder if he is smiling because he knows his balls are going to taste like wadamelm for the next 5 minutes.