J.ust I.nstant D.ecisive F.ilter
Re: bots
NPC / bots / AI = what the enemy wants of each viewer here. It's called MKUltraprogrammingfor a reason.
They demoralize us until we're in a suggestive state. Then their subliminals hit harder.
"Everyone is a bot" is a lie they need you to believe, so you become the bots they can program.
Same could be said about "Jews". It's a spell.
They created a seething hatred spell, and cast it on those that oppose evil. They charge it up by spamming us with material that has one central lie: Jews = evil.
They mean You, the one reading this, because if you're here then you're willing to fight against them, and if you fight against them they label you Jewish. The "NPCs"(Those under MKUltra manipulation) are then programmed to hate you.
Jew =(Label for)= The enemy of the evil ones here.
Fact: Je[sus].w<in>s
Deeper dig.
We can infer from this association that it's a word removal trick. Jews = satan. They replaced 'satan' with 'jews'.
Try it for yourself, read some of their spam and replace 'jew' with 'satan'. It fits like a glove.
So if the enemy here is conflating Jews for satans then we can see they're trying to peg Israel as satan, which is one step away from 'The Little satan'.
Which we know the IRGC labels Israel as.
>Iranian leaders have also repeatedly pledged to annihilate Israel, which they call the “Little Satan.” An IRGC commander even went so far to declare that destroying Israel was a central national goal
Curious eh?~
The next step further is the connection China has to Iran, which Chinese warfare enforces through it's philosophy of "Barbarians attacking barbarians" IRGC attacking Israel/America.
So who's pulling the strings of those who post that here? 🤔🤔🤔