Didn't anons have a pic sometime last year where the balls were all set on the pool table? Was that a Scavino pic?
Yes, this is it. I remember it created quite a discussion among the anons. Where each ball was placed and the two cue sticks on the table, etc.
Would you like to share any of your hidden knowledge concerning this pic?
Does this have anything to do with Bill Gates?
In the mid 80s, I was taking an Environmental Science class at a Community College. I did a paper on "The Green House Effect" We didn't have internet yet so I had to go to the library and look stuff up on microfisch. My conclusion on the paper was that there were as many articles that negated the Green House Effect as there were articles that supported it.
I wonder now if any of the articles that negated it have survived.
appears that way
Is that chalk in the corner by the cue sticks?
It kind of looks like a white hat.
Also, is that a pic of a ship on the wall? You can only see the lower left hand part of the pic.
I am neither gifted nor talented.
I am just average, but I like to hang out here with the autists to see what I can pick up.
Ah, yes, truth to that!
I am one of five kids.
My dad worked for a big insurance company in Downtown Chicago that dealt with worker's comp. so he dealt with a lot of doctors, lawyers and judges.
He told us that all of the Chicago judges are bribed.
He used to tell us all the time that good guys finish last.
Our reward is in heaven, not on this earth.
The taxes is where they get ya
You can never really be debt free as long as you have to pay taxes and mandatory insurance.
Or they could make it so without proof of a vaccine a person would not be allowed in:
work places
barber shops
basically any public places
Only place someone could be without a Certificate Of Vacination ID, would be their own home maybe.