Anonymous ID: 50f588 May 3, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.9010844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0882


GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday that he told the late Sen. John McCain to turn over the dossier of Trump-Russia allegations to the FBI, pushing back against President Donald Trump's assertions that the Arizona Republican helped fan the flames of the Russia investigation.


Graham told CNN after a news conference that he told Trump in Florida this weekend that "Sen. McCain deserves better" than the way the President has been publicly disparaging the late senator and war hero in the last week. And Graham publicly acknowledged he had advanced knowledge of the dossier, the existence of which has enraged the President.

Graham defended McCain's role and said that he told Trump that his close friend's involvement was limited.

Graham said that he "was very direct" with Trump, and if Trump believes it was the McCain people who spread this,"he's right. There were some McCain people that took a piece of garbage and tried to go after Trump after the election."

Graham added: "I told the President it was not John McCain. I know because John McCain showed me the dossier. And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody who's job it is to find these things out and John McCain acted appropriately."

Asked more about the matter later, Graham said he put the dossier in "a safe" the day he got it and turned it over to the FBI the next day.

"And I understand that, clearly people are in the McCain world that did some things inappropriate but it was not John McCain. John McCain did not give it to anybody in the press, he talked to me just as soon as he got it, and he turned it over to the FBI and that's exactly what he should have done."

Former McCain aide David Kramer approached the Arizona senator after the 2016 elections with former British spy Christopher Steele's dossier of Trump-Russia connections, and then McCain said he delivered the documents to the FBI, saying that was the extent of his involvement.

In November 2016, a former British ambassador to Russia who knew about what Steele had researched met McCain, his staffer Christopher Brose and Kramer, a former State Department official who worked alongside McCain, in Halifax.

At McCain's request, Kramer followed up with Steele, then received copies of the dossier from an owner of Fusion GPS.

Kramer then shared the dossier with McCain and the Senate staffer on November 30, 2016, and asked McCain to pass it to the FBI and CIA.

On Monday, Graham said: "You know, I don't care if President Trump likes John McCain or not, I do. I like President Trump. John McCain is one of my closest friends in life, not just in politics, I want President Trump to be successful. He's been very good to me in the sense he's let me in his world. And I have some access to the President about things that matter to me and the country and I appreciate that, and I want him to be successful."

Graham said McCain is "one of his best friends in life." Graham said Trump asked the South Carolina senator: "He really was your friend?"

"I said, 'yeah, he really was my friend,'" Graham said.

Anonymous ID: 50f588 May 3, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.9010960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What is that Pan Class = link small, in red?


Searching Pan with Pope, this came up.


Pope announces Synod of Bishops for Pan-Amazon region

Inés San Martín Oct 15, 2017


ROME - Pope Francis on Sunday announced a special assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled for October 2019, to involve prelates from Latin America’s Pan-Amazon region, meaning Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Perú, Venezuela and Surinam.


“Accepting the desire of some Catholic Bishops’ Conferences in Latin America, as well as the voice of various pastors and faithful from other parts of the world, I have decided to convene a Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon region, which will take place in Rome in the month of October 2019,” Francis said at the end of the weekly Angelus prayer.


There’s already a Synod of Bishops on youth, faith and vocational discernment scheduled for Oct. 2018.


This is the first time Francis has called a Synod of Bishops for a specific region, although St. Pope John Paul II did so on different occasions to signal a special concern. John Paul called a special synod for the Netherlands in 1980 and for Lebanon in 1995, in addition to special synods for each of the continents of the world.


The main purpose of the Amazon gathering, Francis said, will be to identify new paths for the evangelization in the region. Particular attention, he added, will be paid to the indigenous people, “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future,” and to the crisis of the Amazonian rain forest, considered one of the world’s “lungs” because of the amount of oxygen produced by its abundant vegetation.


The pope’s announcement came after he celebrated the canonization Mass for 35 new saints in Rome’s St. Peter’s Square. He asked for their intercession in the upcoming summit, so that “in respect for the beauty of creation, all the peoples of the earth praise God, Lord of the universe, and enlightened by Him walk through paths of justice and peace.”


Read more

Anonymous ID: 50f588 May 3, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.9011038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1068 >>1432

Gov. DeWine: My face-mask order went ‘too far'


Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Sunday that his order requiring state residents to wear face masks went “too far.”


DeWine announced Monday that face masks must be worn in stores — but after some Ohioans found the order “offensive,” he reversed himself the next day.


“It became clear to me that that was just a bridge too far. People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”


DeWine said getting hung up on the mandatory masks “just wasn’t going to work,” though he highly recommends wearing them. Employees will still have face masks on, and DeWine urged customers to protect “the folks who are stocking shelves in grocery stores.”


On Monday, the state’s manufacturing and construction businesses will reopen, joined by consumer and retail stores on May 11.


DeWine’s about-face on face masks drew some sharp criticism who said it would endanger the state’s workers.


“The answer isn’t to make people risk their health by going to work without adequate protections,” Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley tweeted Thursday. “No matter where you live or what you look like, we can all agree that no one should have to choose between paying bills and staying healthy.”


Ohio — which has seen more than 19,000 coronavirus cases, more than 1,000 deaths and roughly 1 million residents file for unemployment — joins several other states in starting to reopen sectors of their economy, after seeing a short downward curve and protests urging state and local governments to ease lockdown restrictions. Six states are set to loosen restrictions on Monday, and 17 did on Friday.


“This Week” co-host Martha Raddatz asked DeWine why the country is seeing a partisan divide in how Americans respond to the pandemic: ABC News found that Democrats are more concerned with contracting the virus, and Republicans are twice as likely to eat a restaurant, work-out at a gym, and get a haircut.


“Generally, Republicans are less inclined to have the government tell them what to do. And that’s generally how I am,” DeWine said.


His state is “in a phase where, yeah we’ve got a few orders out there, but we’re starting really pretty aggressively to phase business back in.” Now, he said, it’s a balancing act.


“We’re going to watch numbers every single day.”

Anonymous ID: 50f588 May 3, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.9011201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1233


Awesome compilation.


What about the link with Saudi Arabia? What happened in Saudi will happen here?

How about the fact that SA had CoV there and there was plenty of time to modify the strain?



The Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is proposed to be a zoonotic disease. Dromedary camels have been implicated due to reports that some confirmed cases were exposed to camels. Risk factors for MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infections in humans are incompletely understood. This study aimed to describe the demographic characteristics, mortality rate, clinical manifestations and comorbidities with confirmed cases of MERS-CoV.



Retrospective chart review were performed to identify all laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV in Saudi Arabia who reported to the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Saudi Arabia and WHO between April 23, 2014 and August 31, 2015. Patients’ charts were also reviewed for demographic information, mortality, comorbidities, clinical presentations, health care facility and presented with descriptive and comparative statistics using non parametric binomial test and Chi-square test.



Confirmed cases of male patients (61.1%) exceeded those of female patients (38.9%). Infections among Saudi patients (62.6%) exceeded those among non-Saudi patients (37.4%; P = 0.001). The majority of the patients were aged 21–40 years (37.4%) or 41–60 years (35.8%); 43 (22.6%) were aged >61 years, and (8) 4.2% were aged 0–20 years. There was a difference in mortality between confirmed MERS-CoV cases (63.7% alive versus 36.3% dead cases, respectively). Furthermore, fever with cough and shortness of breath (SOB) (n = 39; 20.5%), fever with cough (n = 29; 15.3%), fever (n = 18; 9.5%), and fever with SOB (n = 13; 6.8%), were the most common clinical manifestations associated with confirmed MERS-CoV cases.



MERS-CoV is considered an epidemic in Saudi Arabia. The results of the present study showed that the frequency of cases is higher among men than women, in Saudi patients than non-Saudi, and those between 21 to 60 years are most affected. Further studies are required to improve the surveillance associated with MERS-CoV to get definite and clear answers and better understanding of the MERS-CoV outbreak as well the source, and route of infection transmission in Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous ID: 50f588 May 3, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.9011275   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Interesting. Obama Care to destroy us, and POTUS' Cares Act to save us.

Care to Cares. >>9011222

> On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.


Double meanings exist.

CovID – Cover?