Anonymous ID: c29ac7 May 3, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.9011150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6.66 Trillion by no coincidence is the number of the beast.


Who controls the scoreboard? Who loves the numbers?


–Everything is to distract you from the heist especially your leader Q who treats you all like mushrooms,kept in the dark and on a strict diet of shit. Some of you even resemble mushrooms after three years of eating bullshit. None of you are magic mushrooms just white heads mostly but some are poisonous caps. If you would stop covering up for criminal niggers thing would improve but alas you keep kissing groid ass all the time hiding up their violence and rape you just smile and listen to the filthy words haphazardly rhymed together. The story of the black man is he loves to say the words he does not understand. The world need a fresh dose of intolerance. Time to end drag queen storytime at the public library.


Time to express disdain for the disgusting culture we have allowed to pervert our society. Time to punish the criminals again instead of rewarding them for bad behavior. The rule of law has been perverted into social justice causes that in reality do not exist. Time to open your eyes and see the only people persecuting blacks are their own damn selves. Do not fear being called a racist for in that word lies no power. Drop th e soy boy get yourself some milk. We are all being robbed together. You owe 6.66 trillion and so do I. Let us make peace and this be our bond my new friend we will right the ship and take our future into our hands where it rightfully belongs. I am of the light I work with the light and I will show you over drops during the next few days. You will be able to see for yourself that the light is all right.–