Anonymous ID: 1e86d7 May 3, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.9011692   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>For humanity.


"for I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

–Jefferson to Benjamin Rush, September 23, 1800


There can be no peace and no freedom from tyranny until justice is done.


Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum is a Latin legal phrase, meaning "Let justice be done though the heavens fall…


How many other persons, famous or not, have laid down their lives to awaken humanity, overthrow tyranny and bring justice then peace to the earth?


Can we imagine what Jesus or Yeshua thought about those who practice tyranny over others? We can read something of His consciousness from the words which have been passed to us, through many hands and despite selfish intentions. The righteous fury toward hypocrites shines through clearly!


What is the primary method of binding the minds of human beings, to permit tyranny?


The industrial media, the Matrix owned by 6 global corporations but with interlocking boards of directors, acting out a monolithic agenda: one “new” world under technocratic total control.


Freedom requires dispelling illusion from the mind but the task is much harder when the mind is occupied by persistent echoes of memorized media.


Media addicts aka zombies embracing the NWO agenda are the freedom-resistant ballast holding down humanity.


Zombies = people willing to sleep through life, as long as they are kept with food, media lies and mob approval.


Tough talk for zombies:


You are free to choose the apparent ease and safety of tyranny over the difficulty and risk of freedom.

But you cannot pretend by adopting the deceptive language of the media Matrix that the choice is something other than slavery or responsiblity.


The state media indoctrination’s use of sophisticated language with its inverted denotations and spun connotations will no longer work when zombies fall out of their lifelong media trance.


If you choose to parrot the language and intentions of the monolithic corporate globalist media? That carries the agenda of tyranny over all the people who are not colluding to make this earth hell for based, down-to-earth people.

You automatically repeat fallacious persuasion bites from your media handlers? Then you are the problem, oppressing other humans under the false flag of groupthink.


You mock those who believe in their own direct experience that they are more than meat robots, while you rigidly believe in your mediated experience in the virtual groupthink machine?

If so, that means buying into superficial social constructs which hide deeper realities which have been explored and expressed by wise and creative people throughout history who found and nurtured their soul relationship, the very meaning of being human.


You media addicts have spent your time training your minds to be passive, to suspend disbelief, in order to stay deliriously entranced in the narrative of deception.

People based in the real world have been training their minds to see through the deception, to detect illogical fallacies and to steel their hearts for the coming revelation of the works of generational evil.


Which are you intending for your lives, to be wheat or chaff?


Media true believers feel free in their own minds, in their subjective safe spaces submerged below the surface of their minds, clinging to the top of the cavernous depths of their being.


People centered in their hearts know that freedom has been under attack since the beginning of time and the dead weight of those of you collaborating with the agenda of slavery is the main burden upon the rest of humanity!


Notice that all the superiority spin practiced by media icons requires the use of first person narrative, always subjective emotional projection? “I, me, my” etc, never anything stated from objective facts, just practiced emotional reaction to factoids out of context, to influence passive followers by emotional resonance. Take away the fake outrage from media icons and what remains is illogical drool passing as intellectual accomplishments!


Follow these iconic cutouts, driven by fear of losing their illusory status?


Follow your own hearts, ever deeper into the meaning of life, until you find the light coming from the center.


We are all here to sift ourselves out of the dust, by relating to Being larger than limited human perception. One Child showed us all the Way home.