Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.9012536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2927

Oregon DHS Announces Plan to Confiscate Children if Foster Parents Test Positive for Coronavirus and Deemed Unable to Provide for Them


Several states reopened last week.

Severl more will open at least partially this week from the Fauci lockdown.


But Democrat-led Oregon is not one of them.

Oregon, a state with 4.14 million residents, did not reopen on Friday.

In fact, the liberal state is not reopening anytime soon.


Far Left Oregon Governor Kate Brown is extending the state’s lockdown until JULY 6th!



Oregon is ranked 40th in US coronavirus deaths. 40TH!


But there is even more troubling news coming from Oregon.


On April 22nd the state initiated a plan to remove children from foster homes if one of the parents comes down with coronavirus.


The state of Oregon will remove the children and place them with “sustitute care” if the parents are deemed unable to support them.


This law was actually published online on the Oregon Department of Human Services website.


It appears Oregon got this idea from WHO executive Michael Ryan.



At the behest of the World Health Organization (WHO) executive director Michael Ryan, Oregon is slated to remove children from homes and place them in “substitute care” if parents are deemed “unable to support them.”


Ryan, who was criticized for stating that governments need to go door-to-door looking for people infected with coronavirus and if found, “Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick, and remove them and isolate them.”

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9012550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA & MI6 put together 'scientific' dossier ‘targeting China's Covid-19 cover-up’ - as West readies to demand Beijing COMPENSATION


The West’s wish to pin the blame on China (and probably the bill too) for the Covid-19 pandemic has been reportedly incarnated in a 15-page dossier compiled by intelligence agencies, which has now leaked, according to reports.


The document, described by the Australian newspaper the Sunday Telegraph, was prepared by “concerned Western governments.” The publication mentions that the Five Eyes intelligence agencies are investigating China, pointing to the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK.


The authors of the research found some pretty strange ways to paint China’s response to the outbreak in a negative and even sinister way. For instance, despite a presumed requirement for brevity in such a short paper it refers to a study which claimed the killer coronavirus had been created in a lab.


The scientific community’s consensus says otherwise, while US intelligence is on the record agreeing with this position. The study itself has been withdrawn because there was no direct proof to support the theory, as its author Botao Xiao acknowledged. But the ‘China dossier’ found a warm spot for a mention, it appears.


A large portion of the document is apparently dedicated to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and one of its top researchers, Shi Zhengli, who has a long and distinguished career of studying SARS-like coronaviruses and bats as their natural reservoirs. It seems the dossier is not interested in the database of bat-related viruses she helped create but rather in the claim that the Covid-19 pandemic started as a leak from her lab.


The dossier points to the so-called gain-of-function research that Dr. Shi was involved in. Such studies are aimed at identifying possible mutations in infectious agents that may occur naturally and makes them much more dangerous to humans. Creating stems with such mutations in the lab allows to prepare for a possible outbreak, though whether such research is worth the risk of accidental release or even bioterrorism attacks has been subject to much debate.

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:27 a.m. No.9012640   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal appeals court reinstates California law requiring background checks for ammo purchases


A federal judge previously ruled that the California law violated a citizen's Second Amendment right to bear arms


Last month, a federal judge struck down a California law requiring background checks for people buying ammunition, saying that it violated a citizen's Second Amendment right to bear arms. Now, a federal appeals court has reinstated the law requiring background checks for ammo.


California became the first state in the U.S. to require background checks for ammunition when the law went into effect on July 1, 2019.


Two weeks ago, U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego said California's ammo regulations were "constitutionally defective." Benitez argued that the ammo background checks hurt legal ammunition buyers while doing very little to prevent criminals from obtaining ammunition.


"California's new ammunition background check law misfires, and the Second Amendment rights of California citizens have been gravely injured," Benitez wrote in his 120-page opinion. "In this action, Plaintiffs seek a preliminary injunction enjoining California's onerous and convoluted new laws requiring ammunition purchase background checks and implementing ammunition anti-importation laws."


"Criminals, tyrants, and terrorists don't do background checks," the judge stated. "The background check experiment defies common sense while unduly and severely burdening the Second Amendment rights of every responsible, gun-owning citizen desiring to lawfully buy ammunition."


Benitez blocked the ammunition law and ruled in favor of the California Rifle & Pistol Association and six-time Olympic medalist skeet shooter Kim Rhode, who asked to halt the background checks.


On Friday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco reversed the decision made by Benitez. The National Rifle Association reacted to the ruling.


"Late Friday night, the following order came out from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, granting a temporary stay on the injunction issued on Thursday, April 24, in the NRA funded case of Rhode v. Becerra," the NRA wrote. "This means that the same restrictions that have been previously in effect regarding ammunition in California are back for the time being, pending further order from the court."


The law requires buyers to pay a $1 background check fee each time they buy ammunition, even if they already passed a background check.

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.9012681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Germany: Left-wing extremists assault television crew, some hospitalised


Left-wing extremists assaulted a television crew in Berlin on May Day, resulting in a number of injuries, some severe enough to require hospitalisation.


The attack took place in the Kreuzberg district on Friday evening. A team of seven, including three security guards, from the satirical news programme Heute-Show (Today Show), which airs on Germany’s channel ZDF, had been filming as hundreds of demonstrators marched in the area. The march was held in violation of the ongoing lockdown in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The demonstrators shouted chants against the police and threw smoke bombs as officers attempted to disperse the crowd, according to a report by Die Welt.


Although it is illegal in Germany to wear a mask in a demonstration, authorities relented on this regulation on Friday as a coronavirus prevention measure.


After filming, the crew was on their way back to their vehicles when between fifteen and twenty-five extremists attacked them with poles. Five of them were injured, four severely enough to be hospitalised.


According to a statement by ZDF, the assailants were also using blackjacks, and the crew’s sound assistant was kicked in the face with such force that it was likely intended to be lethal.


Police arrested six people afterwards — four men and two women between the ages of 24 and 31 — but all were released the same night. The Prosecutor’s Office said that there was no grounds to detain two of them, and there were “no urgent suspicions” regarding the other four, according to a report by Junge Freiheit.


Barbara Slowik, Berlin’s Chief of Police, said that she did not want to speculate on the political motives of the attack, but said that there will be an investigation.


Horst Seehofer, Germany’s Minister of the Interior, condemned the attack, calling for better protection for journalists. “Freedom of the press is the pillar of our democracy,” he said, saying that state power should be used to prevent violence.


“This is about the basic values of our community,” Seehofer added.


Large demonstrations of extremists also took place in Leipzig, Hamburg, and Braunschweig, as well as in other districts of Berlin. A reporter in Hamburg was also injured after being hit with a bottle by demonstrators.


Left-wing extremists in Germany had vowed to commit acts of violence on May Day, saying that they intended to exploit the chaos introduced by the coronavirus for their own ends, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.9012705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2735 >>2788

Chicago mayor threatens anyone who disobeys lockdown: 'We will shut you down, we will take you to jail'


'We are not playing games. We mean business, and we will shut this down one way or another'


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot threatened to issue citations and even arrest anyone who violated stay-at-home orders. Lightfoot issued a strong warning to her constituents who don't comply with the lockdown orders during a COVID-19 press conference on Saturday.


"We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we need to, we will arrest you and we will take you to jail," Lightfoot said. "Don't make us treat you like a criminal, but if you act like a criminal and you violate the law and you refuse to do what is necessary to save lives in this city in the middle of a pandemic we will take you to jail, period."


Lightfoot said that compliance with the stay-at-home order has gone down from 82% to 77% over the last week.


"This frankly doesn't come as a surprise, given the warm weather. We've all been cooped up. We all miss our friends, and we all want to go outside and gather in groups," Lightfoot said. "However, those aspirations simply cannot become a reality in the middle of a pandemic."


Lightfoot also addressed the numerous house parties that have grabbed headlines in the past week, including one shindig that allegedly had 1,000 people.


"When you go out and party, when you go home to your momma, your grandma, or anybody in your household who has an underlying medical condition, you are bringing death to their doorstep," Lightfoot said.


Lightfoot said Chicago police broke up several social gatherings between 50 and 150 people on Friday night. She added that the authorities were tipped off to at least six parties that were scheduled to happen on Saturday night.


"If you host a party, promote a party, or go to a party, we are not playing games. We mean business, and we will shut this down one way or another," the Democratic mayor said. "The time for educating people into compliance is over. Don't be stupid. We're watching you, and we're going to take decisive action."


"Your actions are going to make a difference between whether or not we get out sooner or later, whether or not we have a summer or we do not," Lightfoot said. "It's absolutely essential that we stay the course and people stay home."


CPD Superintendent David Brown said on Saturday, "We've lost officers to COVID-19, we've lost firefighters to COVID-19. They've given the ultimate sacrifice, willing to risk their lives, to save all of us. For a silly party, you are risking first responders' lives."


"We have given enough warning. We're getting to the point where we're trying to save lives and if our message is not resonating with people who are promoting parties, or coming out to parties, we have to take that next level of enforcement to make sure that we save lives," Brown said.


Lightfoot and Chicago police also encouraged residents to anonymously submit tips about anybody breaking the lockdown rules, including throwing house parties.


After her news briefing, Lightfoot and police officers patrolled the streets and ordered a group of young kids to go home. One young man responded: "Y'all need to find a cure. You talk about going home. You go home."

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9012755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tara Reade Facing Online Harassment in Wake of Sexual Assault Claims Against Joe Biden


Tara Reade, the former Senate aide to former Vice President Joe Biden who alleges that the presumptive 2020 Democrat president nominee sexually assaulted her in the 1990s, is facing a barrage of online harassment, according to a Fox News interview with Reade on Saturday.


“I find it astounding — the hypocrisy that Democrats are talking about women being able to tell their story safely,” Reade said. “I’m a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, but yet here I am trying to talk about my history with Joe Biden and I’m just the target of online harassment.”


Fox News reported on the harassment, including fake social media accounts in Reade’s name:


Reade told Fox News that the home address of a family member was plastered online and that person received four “creepy” calls on Friday night, all within 30 minutes, from an unknown number.


In two voice messages obtained by Fox News, a caller appeared to have posed as a journalist seeking to speak with Reade.


“Hi Ms. Reade, this is Dave Johnson from the Observer, a small New York newspaper,” the voice says before laughing uncontrollably, later saying “Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself” and “Trump 2020.”


In the second voice message, which was the third attempt at calling Reade’s family member, the caller says: “Hey Tara, this is Dave Johnson with the Observer and I would really love, I’d really appreciate a call back so we can discuss your new powerful allegation against Vice President Biden. I think you’re setting a tone and underscoring a double standard put forth by the Me Too movement, so I’d really appreciate it if you could just call me back, give me a couple of quick questions.”


Fox News also obtained an email sent to Reade from someone using the name Linda Dubois who called Reade a “f—king whore” and a “disgrace to womanhood” for speaking out against Biden.


“You are a rip-roaring b—h and the great majority of Americans don’t believe you anyhow… I hope you drop dead,” the email said.


Fox News reported that Jon Cooper, a former chair of the Democratic Coalition, questioned if Reade was “unbalanced” or “was driven by malicious motives” on Twitter.


“This is an example [of] what I am dealing with in addition to the threats and harassment online,” Reade tweeted about Cooper.


“This is something that really has to stop and I’m just wondering where this is coming from,” Reade told Fox News. “Are these just fanatic supporters? And if so, what does that say about our Democratic voters? Why are they targeting me when the party line is supposed to be allowing people to be safe? Why are they targeting my family and myself and making my family frightened?”


“It creates barriers for survivors to want to come forward and talk about difficult things that have happened,” Reade said. “And in my case, talking about how Joe Biden sexually harassed and sexually assaulted me is very excruciating and enough by itself, but then to be targeted and harassed and have my whole family targeted and harassed online by people that call themselves his supporters is not only just upsetting, it’s frightening.”


On Friday, Biden said in an interview with MSNBC that the assault “never happened,” and while women should be heard if they claim they’ve been sexually assaulted they should also be “vetted.”

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.9012814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2857

GRAPHIC: Military Kills 7 Los Zetas Gunmen During Mexican Border City Shootout


NUEVO LAREDO, Tamaulipas – Mexican Army soldiers killed seven Los Zetas gunmen who had set up an ambush attack. Two of the gunmen were the personal bodyguards of a regional cartel boss. The shootout is the latest bout of violence in the border city of Nuevo Laredo where the criminal organization has historically set their base of operations.


The shootout took place this week in the Nuevo Laredo when a Mexican Army convoy driving near Cavazos Lerma Boulevard attempted to enforce coronavirus containment measures when they spotted a convoy of cartel gunmen. The gunmen, part of the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas, began shooting at the soldiers as they fled and then tried to set up an ambush-style attack at a highway overpass.


The cartel gunmen rode in various vehicles with makeshift armor and wore military-style uniforms and body armor. Known as the Tropa del Infierno or Hell’s Troop, the gunmen work under orders of Martin “El Cadete” Rodriguez Barbosa as the security wing of the CDN-Los Zetas. The criminal organization is linked to numerous gun battles, murders, and kidnappings in the region.


The soldiers fought off the attack and during the clash killed seven cartel gunmen before the others drove away. Mexican law enforcement sources consulted by Breitbart Texas revealed that some of the dead gunmen went by the call signs Tropa 101 and Flako 112. They are not simple gunmen but are known to be part of the personal guard of current CDN-Los Zetas regional leader Jesus Gerardo “El Huevo” Trevino Chavez.

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.9012843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2871

US Embassy: Israeli West Bank Annexation Can Move Forward Without A Palestinian State


The recently established US Embassy in Jerusalem (moved from Tel Aviv last year as part of Trump's plan) has confirmed that the world will soon see the most controversial element of Trump's peace plan put into effect: Israeli annexation over broad swathes of the West Bank, particularly the Jordan Valley.


“As we have made consistently clear, we are prepared to recognize Israeli actions to extend Israeli sovereignty and the application of Israeli law to areas of the West Bank that the [Trump peace plan] foresees as being part of the State of Israel,” a top US Embassy official told the Times of Israel on Friday.

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9012908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

YouTube deletes conspiracy theorist David Icke's account after he made unproven claims about coronavirus


YouTube have deleted conspiracy theorist David Icke's account after he made unproven claims about coronavirus.

The video-sharing site said the 68-year-old violated its policies on sharing information about coronavirus.

The former footballer made controversial unproven claims about the virus on several internet platforms, including one that it is linked to the 5G mobile network.

Anonymous ID: 5106f2 May 3, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.9012951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3037

ILLINOIS: 4,000 Prisoners Released — 146 Sex Offenders — 64 Murderers


The state of Illinois has released 4,000 prisoners as part of its pandemic mitigation strategy, a group of convicted criminals including 146 sex offenders and 64 convicted murderers.


Prisons and jails around the country have resorted to setting criminals free in the hopes of preventing disease outbreaks within correctional houses. In Illinois, criminals were either pardoned by Gov. JB Pritzker or else released early by authorities.


The state attorney’s office said it was originally told the government would only be releasing “non-violent” offenders as part of the strategy. The state has also been releasing offenders so quickly some areas have not had time to inform victims, as required by law.