Anonymous ID: 2c9d7b April 4, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.902196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2208 >>2229 >>2267


Anon I usually lurk. So I apologize for the poor format. I am phone fagging and new. Please ignore if this is useless.


Since u are talking about MSM / investigative journalism remember the q post about who died on the titanic? (Post below.)


WIlliam T Stead was an investigative journalist who revolutionized journalism. He exposed the Victorian Age/ Industrial Age’s version of “pizzagate”. His expose reformed the exploitation of children for child labor and prostitution. The maiden tribute of Babylon was an international scandal in that time. Children were sex slaves literally and it was legal. William T Stead was a huge threat to the Cabal. He ended their cheap child labor for their factories. He used journalism to change the world and liberate children. He died side by side with John Astor. They were friends. See below.




Stead boarded the Titanic for a visit to the United States to take part in a peace congress at Carnegie Hall at the request of President Taft. Survivors of the Titanic reported very little about Stead's last hours.[11] He chatted enthusiastically through the 11-course meal that fateful night, telling thrilling tales (including one about the cursed mummy of the British Museum), but then retired to bed at 10.30pm.[11] After the ship struck the iceberg, Stead helped several women and children into the lifeboats, in an act "typical of his generosity, courage, and humanity", and gave his life jacket to another passenger.[4]

A later sighting of Stead, by survivor Philip Mock, has him clinging to a raft with John Jacob Astor IV. "Their feet became frozen," reported Mock, "and they were compelled to release their hold. Both were drowned."[37] William Stead's body was not recovered.

, The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon, written in support of a bill to raise the age of consent from 13 to 16, dubbed the "Stead Act."[3]


He was influential in demonstrating how the press could be used to influence public opinion and government policy, and advocated "Government by Journalism".[4] He was also well known for his reportage on child welfare, social legislation and reformation of England's criminal codes.


Stead died aboard the RMS Titanic in its sinking, and was considered to be one of the most famous Englishmen on board.[3]”



I have loads of more research but don’t want to derail or distract. However he was as famous a John Astor and had tremendous sway over the public. Him and other activists changed the world.