First, I want to say how fantastic it is to see so many Patriots who are praying Christians, but also who are UNAFRAID to proclaim their belief in God & their acceptance of Jesus as their personal Savior. It truly does my heart good to see this.
In the year leading up to the election, I had MANY horrendous, apocalyptic End Times dreams. Even now, I can't describe the things I saw in those dreams without tearing up. I felt such an URGENCY to tell people they needed to repent of their sins NOW because I walked away from every one of those dreams with the same message…."I am God, the Father, and I am sorely disappointed in you. You have tested My patience and, although I love you, My patience has worn thin & time is running short. You need to turn back to Me & devote yourselves, your nation, to Me once again. The clock can be stopped if you only do this.". These dreams & the sense of urgency I felt had me absolutely OBSESSED with reading Revelation over & over & over again, as well as reading every End Times book I could get my hands on. I lived in a constant state of fear & dread that what I saw each night in my dreams was literally just a few seconds away from actually happening. I couldn't watch tv most nights because I felt physically sick from it; as though the programming & news that was coming from it was straight from the Evil One, himself.
Then, election night Nov. 8th 2016 came. I sat in front of my tv late into the night. I HAD to see it through to the end & know, for sure, who won. Late into the night, Trump was declared the winner….5 min. later, a horrendous screeching "howl", "scream"…IDK what to call it….came out of my 2 yr old tv & it DIED, never to work again. Personally, I think evil was coming through that electronic box & the screeching death of it was God's righteous smiting of it via Trump's win.
In the months since the election, I haven't had even ONE disturbing nightmare or End Times dream and, despite still having 5 End Times books on my shelf to read, I've felt no urgency, need or motivation to read them. I honestly will never adequately describe to anyone what a weight has been lifted off my soul nor the horrors we so narrowly averted.
God bless Trump…God bless Q/Q-team…God bless America….and God bless all of the Patriots on this board and across the globe. Most of all, all praise, honor & glory to the Most High, Jesus Christ!