Excellent Patriot — fine question
Hey Q
Speaking of clearly
Can you see how PISSED I am
Should be pretty clear
Not hiding it
Fuck You and the Fancy Horse you rode in on
True —- the pot has boiled dry and will soon be ruined
Trying to avoid an armed conflict on my Soil
Hate War
Q you have Haters and Followers and the Flip Flop crew all here
This whole Q thing has dragged on for so long
It has become to hard to judge who is who
and frankly I do not give a damn who supports
you and who don't any longer
Make the DAMN ARRESTS and let's get it over with
Perhaps We will come out of this a Stronger Nation of Law Abiding People
…. what if POTUS had started the arrests during the start of the impeachment
See how that what if stuff works Q