Anonymous ID: 0226ed May 3, 2020, 2:07 p.m. No.9015630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9015045 pb


Knowledge is Power.


If you don't have MONEY, you're fucked.


That's the Powerful Knowledge you need.


Money is necessary. Lots of it. Submit to those with the extra money to bribe everybody, or suffer. Or get tons of money.


This graphic is the cover of Foucault's Power / Knowledge. The core point of this book is (((They))) Love Spying.


Unstated in all of these power / knowledge things is - you can win if you're on their side. If you want to be a spy, you can have power. And the point of the book is for you to get enough information about all the ways they love spying so that you will realize that it's futile to do anything but get on the winning side and smile and participate in the dystopian spystate.


But we're here because we don't want it, and we want our guy, the President, to just pummel the people at the top who are running that shit into dust.

Anonymous ID: 0226ed May 3, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.9015842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5890



I've actually got no problems with 6 foot social distancing in places like Walmart.


I don't go to Walmart or Supermarkets to socialize.


However, there are some situations - like music venues - which require cramped areas. And those places become not financially viable if you need a 6 foot radius around you as a customer.


People need to go to the store to buy food. Even people who are worried about viruses need to be able to buy food.


But when it comes to music events, sporting events, you simply don't go if you're worried about viruses. Assumption of the risk - in those situations where crowding is unavoidable.


Why, if there are new limits on the number of people in a Walmart or a Supermarket, have they made the hours shorter? Why don't they make Walmarts and Supermarkets 24/7?


You go out there 4 am, there won't be a lot of people there. And you wont have to make the supermarket aisles like a fucking maze, one way this aise, the other way the other aisle.

Anonymous ID: 0226ed May 3, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.9016094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6165



Bullshit. It may be true that those would be the 2 major directions he could go.


But there were a number of concrete actions that he could've taken.


Fire all the vaccine faggots like Fauci immediately.


Announce that 1 Trillion dollars would be spent on finding NATURAL solutions to viruses once and for all. Starting with making Hydroxycholoroquine and chloroquine Over the Counter medications available to all.


"Never again will we allow our own negligence in developing an effective antiviral preventative, treatment or cure turn this country into a dystopian nightmare. The FDA and the CDC are massive failures and we're putting the both of them to bed right now. I have right here the NEW Food and Drug Act, which allows food manufacturers who have developed or who sell natural foods with antiviral properties to label those foods as Antiviral. We, the Government, will spend the money on the tests, and those food items which perform the best will be allowed to use the Gold Star Antiviral label on their products. Additionally, at some point in the future, our testing of these natural products will reveal certain Gold Star natural foods. We suspect Garlic and Ginger will pass our tests. We will then give to every American a certain amount of Garlic and Ginger and other Gold Star foods, available in post offices, so that viruses will not ever again close down our economy."


You know, something like that, not necessarily that, but we need to move past the last 100 years of shit FDA and a shit medical system.


Trump just gave Trillions of dollars to the same medical cabal which is based on bribery, oligopoly and patents.