Has anyone considered, the fact that, those that are in positions to run a Q Op have been around, thru the many decades of media, (Mockingbird) indoctrination?
It has become painfully clear, that they exist in a mindset formed during those early years, of exposure to the agenda’s aims.
Common Sense tells you this is correct.
Repetition is one of the basic premisses of “Mind Control” programs.
It has been made clear, over all of these QAnon years, that, that, is exactly what we are being exposed to, by the Q.
I’m not going very far out in this thought process…
Think about it.
How long can U be told this & that are very wrong, & yet, nothing of actual note as relates to a negation of the deeply corrupt, professional legislators, comes to pass?
Can U say “Gaslighting”?