Anonymous ID: 073b52 May 3, 2020, 2:48 p.m. No.9016282   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9016153 /lb

Possibly since there will be a Republican majority but the rinos may still sneak in to try and defend their globalist bosses, but it would be grand, either way… and would make a wonderful acceptance speech, as well.

Anonymous ID: 073b52 May 3, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.9016648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She must be charged with Manslaughter just like faux-xi needs to be charged.


Their advice, their models, their babble was millions would die. Expensive vaccine is needed - from little billy gates exclusively; people must obey. Now, people are dying from being imprisoned in their homes where the china virus lives for days rather than going out into the sunshine where the china virus lives for a couple minutes.


It was a con-job, a hoax, and she still uses the globalist scum phrase "social" distancing to get people to NOT communicate with each other so THE PEOPLE learn about the globalist scum conjob and those of their minions they used to try and spread the globalist scum con!


birx and her daughter both work for little billy gates, neither she or faux-xi was elected by anyone to do anything and they were put in front of the nation on purpose so they would expose themselves and those they deal with to try and rip-off the American People and cause many to die so they can come up with an expensive payday for themselves - or what human beings would call, a treatment or vaccine…in 18 months or 2 years or…hey, anybody heard about a SARS vaccine yet?


douche-bag - they name is birx…and/or faux-xi or little billy, not certain, they're all disgusting douche-bags.

Anonymous ID: 073b52 May 3, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.9016806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6830


The wearing of masks is part of the con of the globalist scum.


The only people who should be wearing masks are those who are sick or those who are treating those who are sick.


The making of the public to wear masks is to create a fear cycle and does absolutely nothing to stop a single person just walking around outside from getting sick…especially as the china virus is a 'contact' virus and although airborne, only lives for a minute or so outdoors.


Keeping stupid people wearing masks, especially those foolishly wearing them at home and at work and then touching the masks to take them off…and then touching their face – are getting sick…from INSIDE THEIR FRIGGIN' HOUSE!!!


The demand for wearing of masks is a FEAR tactic of the globalist scum and their slimy minions among the demonrat cultists.


No masks!

No prison!

Get outside in the sunshine and fresh air and save your fuckin' life and tell all the braindead they can do what they want, I'm gonna do what I want.